11- April

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"I'm going out." I announced as i opened the front door.
"Where?" Changbin asked, appearing at my side.
"To a friends." I told him. "I'll be back tomorrow morning."
"Which friend?" He persistently asked me questions.
"You don't know them. We met at work." I replied. "Before you ask, no i am not going to meet Sunho."
Then i left. I wasn't in the mood for an interrogation, so i got out as soon as i could.
In the car, i listened to Twice's debut album and sang along like the overly enthusiastic person i am. Within two songs i had arrived at Chan's.
I had arrived slightly earlier than arranged but I didn't see the point in hanging around in my car for ages.
When i knocked on the door i had to wait a minute or two for it to open.
"You're early." Chan pointed out.
"Sorry i just wanted to get away from Changbin." I apologised. "Bad timing?" I raised an eyebrow at his worried expression.
"Well, not really but my Mum is-"
"Channie is this your girlfriend?" A short lady wearing a navy blue dress walked towards the door.
"Y/n this is my Mother." He said awkwardly, letting me into the house.
"Mum this is Y/n." He added.
"Oh, Channie you've done well." She congratulated him as she took my hands in hers and looked at me excitedly.
"Now, has my son been treating you well?" She asked. I glanced at Chan who had wide eyes and a furrowed brow. I knew I couldn't upset his Mother by telling her we're not in a relationship so i played along.
"Of course he has." I smiled. "He was clearly raised very well."
She let go of one of my hands to place her hand on her chest.
"Thank you dear, i was worried h-"
"Mum, why don't you go and finish your tea and then i can drop you back home." Chan suggested. The kind lady nodded and then waddled away into the living room.
I turned to Chan, waiting for him to speak.
"Sorry about that." He said awkwardly. "Earlier she was saying how it's time i got a girlfriend and i panicked and said i had one. I didn't want to let her down." His eyes were on the floor as he spoke, wanting to avoid eye contact.
I tilted his chin upwards so he was facing me.
"I don't mind being your fake girlfriend for a while." I told him. His eyes lit up.
"Really? That would be great. She goes back to Australia in two days so it won't be long." He said excitedly.
"On one condition."
He looked me directly in the eyes, unsure of what i would say next.
"You have to kiss me right now because this is not what i had in mind when i asked to come round."
He relaxed as i spoke. Clearly he had been expecting me to say something else.
Without hesitation, he leaned in and closed the gap between us. His lips moved perfectly against mine as my hands ventured to his hair. He deepened the kiss, pushing me gently against the wall...
And then his Mum walked out of the lounge.
"Oh! I seem to be interrupting." She had a knowing smile. Both Chan and i had gone red in the face, embarrassed at being caught. Well, it could have been worse.
"I think i should go back to Hana's now." She said calmly. "It was nice meeting you Y/n, i hope my Chan makes you happy Dear."

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