34- July

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*Chan's pov*
It was nearing midnight and Y/n was snuggling into me. We were on my bed under the duvet and had been like this for hours. She had her arms loosely around my neck and her head nuzzled into my shoulder. I kept my arms around her body, holding her close to me. I could feel her moving as she breathed and every so often she would press her lips onto my neck.
The more i thought about her and the more i fell for her. I noticed little details and traits of hers the more we hung out. It was getting harder to hide how i felt about her.
*Y/n's pov*
"Good morning Channie." I said, entering the kitchen the next morning. I saw the Australian stood by the stove as he fried some eggs.
"Morning beautiful." He replied, taking the egg out of the pan and putting it on a plate. I wrapped my arms around him from behind as he continued to make breakfast. It felt really nice to be with him in the morning. It was always joyful and he was so sweet, making me breakfast.
I couldn't help but admire him. Everything he does is either selfless or adorable- more often than not both. He knows how to handle every situation. He's perfect. I can't help but feel like I'm wasting his time when he could be with someone serious.
"You're so sweet, you know that?" I mumbled, tightening the hug.
"No, you're so sweet." He argued. I kissed his cheek.
"See, i didn't even have to ask for a kiss."

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