25- June

591 15 0

"Shit!" Chan said as i fell. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah Chris, I'm completely fine after falling onto some rocks." I replied sarcastically.
"Right, stupid question." He mumbled. "Can you walk or should i carry you back to our stuff?"
"I'll try and walk." I said, attempting to get up but failing miserably. "Maybe not. Please can you carry me?"
The Australian picked me up bridal style with ease.
"What are you doing?" Out friends appeared from behind some rocks. I turned my head to see Felix and Jisung staring at us.
"Y/n fell and hurt herself." Chan explained.
"Look she's bleeding." Jisung gasped, pointing at my leg.
"Okay, please can you please just take me to the car." My leg was stinging and i really wanted to cry at the pain. Chan began to walk slowly and carefully over the rocks and towards the sand. I clung onto the pale boy as i bit back my tears.
"Don't worry sweetheart." He tried to calm my nerves. "You trust me, don't you." I nodded. "Then you don't need to worry."
"Woojin, can you open the van?" Chan asked as we got closer to the boys.
"Yeah sure." Woojin clicked a button and not too far away i saw the vans lights flash.
"What the fuck happened?!?" Changbin practically screamed, trying to follow after us.
"Changbin will you just go away? I'm fine with Chris, you don't need to follow me everywhere." I snapped.
I was sat in the boot of the van as Chan used the first aid kit (from the front footwell) to clean my leg. I winced as he cleaned the gash on the side of my shin. My instant reaction was to grab his free hand and hold it tightly.
"You're okay Princess. I just need to add a bandage." He assured me.
He carefully wrapped the bandage around my leg, covering the still bleeding wound.
"This is gonna leave such a bad tan line." I sighed.
Chris chuckled. "I can't believe that's your biggest concern right now."
I went to reply but got interrupted by a low rumble of thunder. Then rain began to pour and in the distance i could see the others rushing to pack up.
"Can you help me get in my seat?" I asked. He nodded and picked me up once again. He lifted me into the front of the van and i shuffled across to the middle seat. He slid in next to me.
"Do you want me to get your shirt so you can cover up a bit?" He offered.
"Sure." I shrugged. "Don't want to distract any drivers, do i?"

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