Physical contact

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Crowley and Aziraphale were at Crowley's flat. They were sitting on the couch drinking hot cocoa. They were talking about random things. Work. Interest they've found recently. Music they like. Their past before all of this. But also the most important things to the them. Their relationship. Yes these two were starting to understand their relationship. It was different from being just friends. They were happy like this though. But Crowley had a problem. And he didn't know what to do about it. He was scared of fainting on Aziraphale dued to physical contact with him. He couldn't help it. It's been so long since he was Raphel and he did that. So maybe he can try again.

Crowley was on the couch being sad again. He couldn't help it. Six thousand years and a lot has happened. A lot of people have passed through their lives. So he has a lot to be upset about. Aziraphale noticed this. But Crowley told him not to comfort him. He wondered why. So he decided to ask him. " Crowley why can't I hug you to help you through your sadness?" Aziraphale asked wondering why he couldn't help his boyfriebd through this. It was the strangest thing. He usually let him help him.

Then Crowley turned to him. He started explaining why. Aziraphale listened to it. Crowley explained how he thinks he might pass out if Aziraphale does two things. Show affection towards him. Or comfort him. Aziraphale was having none of that so he was going to prove Crowley wrong. " Are you alright?" He asked wondering if he was. Crowley sighs. Of course Aziraphale was going to challenge this. But he let it happen. " No." Crowley said knowing he wasn't okay. But he knew Aziraphale would make it all better. No matter what Aziraphale did.

That's when Aziraphale hugged him. " Any better?" Aziraphale asked wondering if he better. Crowley sighed and looked at him. " Yes." Crowley said happy like this. They stayed like that for the rest of the day. Aziraphale read as Crowley just watched him. It was their good day. They loved it already.

The End

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