Gala date with Gabirella ( Part one)

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A/N: Finally made it to this one

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A/N: Finally made it to this one. Okay were doing Gabriel x Beelzebub in this one. So as Gabriel is a female demon in this I will be calling her Gabby. Yes her and Beelzebub will be dating. I usually make Beelzebub the girl but I'm going to like this. Thanks for reading guys.

Beelzebub was walking around the ballroom looking for her friends. Which were Hastur, Ligur, and Dagon. She soon found them talking to a black haired girl. She was a big girl. Which she didn't mind. They were beautiful as well. Beelzebub liked a girl or guy for their personality. Not their looks. But she had to say this girl was beautiful. It was actually just a ball to celebrate Hell's achievements throughout the year. They were also celebrating Christmas. Beelzebub loved Christmas for one reason. She gets to visit Aziraphale for the holidays. So she walked over to them. Wanting to know who this girl was. She had to be a demon. Since Heaven didn't allow their angels to come down to Hell.

Once she got over to her friends she greeted them. " Hey Hastur, Ligur, and Dagon. Who's your friend?" Beelzebub asked wondering who the girl demon was. Gabby gasped seeing Beelzebub. Her girlfriend from when they were in Heaven together. Beelzebub was the one she taught about her job. What they were meant to do for the world. They both fell for being gay at the time. Yes the Almighty didn't like that at the time. Especially for her daughter.

But it was worth it for this moment. She wasn't in the court of Hell. But she was a normal demon. But she used temptions on demons and humans. But tonight she will win her bumblebee back. She wasn't going to let her go again. She loved Beelzebub and always will. Beelzebub was surprised by the gasp from Gabby. " What?" Beelzebub asked wondering why she gasped. " Nothing." Gabby said not wanting to come on too strong. This might be her only chance to get Beelzebub back now. She had work to do on Earth once Christmas was over.

They all took a sip of their drinks before Beelzebub asked the question again. " So what's your name?" Beelzebub asked wondering what her name was. Gabby swallowed her drink and held it in front of her. " I'm Gabirella. But everyone calls me Gabby." Gabby said introducing herself to the demon girl who forgot about her during their fall. She knew what happened to her. She hit a rock very hard on the back of her head. Thst was when she landed. When she woke up she didn't remember anything from her past. So she built a new live. While Gabby did the same.

They didn't bother each other too much anymore. Gabby only heard from Beelzebub for missions to the surface. " That's a nice name." Beelzebub said liking that name. Gabby smiled happy she liked it. She took another sip of her drink knowing she needed courage to start flirting with Beelzebub. She needed to be brave and smart on this. Not everyone was like the last person she flirted with. Beelzebub was different to her. She loved Beelzebub. This flirting would be of love. " Thank you." Gabby said happy about the compliment. She looked at Beelzebub.

Beelzebub noticed her looking. She giggled nervously. " Um I'm going to go get another drink." Beelzebub said wanting more to drink. " Okay Beelzebabe." Gabby said okay with that. Beelzebub walked to the drink table. Gabby waited for her. But as she waited she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around to see Crowley standing there glaring at her. She got mad real quick from this. " What Crowley?" Gabby asked wondering why he was about to talk to her. " What do you think your doing?" Crowley asked knowing she's up to something. She was always up to something now a days.

Then Gabby put her drink down on the table next to her. Which was full of food. " Winning my demon girl back." Gabby said hoping that would make Crowley back off. Crowley didn't back off at all. He just stayed there wanting her to back off of Beelzebub. " Stop hitting on her. Beelzebub is not a toy. She's a very high class demon. So back off Gabirella." Crowley said hoping that gets her to stop flirting with Beelzebub already. This just made Gabby mad at him. So she just lashed out at him. " I'll discorperate anyone who has a say in who I can romance. So back off Crowley. Go back to your little Angel." Gabby said wanting him to go away. Instead she grabbed her drink and went to find Beelzebub.

Soon Gabby found Beelzebub near the stairs. She went over to her. She stopped in front of her. Beelzebub noticed how angry she was. " What's wrong?" Beelzebub asked wondering why she's upset. " Crowley." Gabby said knowing that's who's making her mad right now. Beelzebub nodded in understanding. " Ignore him. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Besides a beautiful girl like you can flirt with anyone she wants." Beelzebub said knowing Gabby can do that. Gabby hugged her finding that sweet.

This caused Beelzebub to freak out and blush. Because her face was right between Gabby's chest parts. She didn't mind. It's been a long time since this happened. Only because she forgot her girlfriend when they both fell. But she remembers now. Archangel Gabirella was and still is the love of her life. She just needs to find her. " Your so sweet Bumblebee." Gabby said happy that she said that. Beelzebub smiled remembering that nickname from Gabirella. She gasped as she looked up at her.

That's when Beelzebub realized that she was with Gabirella again. " Gabirella?" Beelzebub asked wondering if it's really her. Gabby looked down at her and nodded. " It's me Beelzebub." Gabby said happy she remembered. They kissed after that. They felt happy about this. They pulled away and went off to enjoy the party together.

To be continued

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