Nap Time ( Ineffable Wives)

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It has been a long day for the two Angel and Demon girls. Aziraphale had been working in the book shop all day. But it has been a day since they saved the world. Crowley was tired from saving the world with her now girlfriend Aziraphale. Yes they became a couple last night. After dinner everything was great. Nothing was stopping them from being together now. Not even Heaven and Hell. Crowley was watching her girlfriend close up the shop when she yawned. It wasn't even noon yet. They were just about to get lunch to. A little nap wouldnt hurt.

Crowley went over to Aziraphale. She put her head on Aziraphale's shoulder. Aziraphale looked at her curious about what she's doing. " What's wrong dear?" Aziraphale asked wondering why she's doing this. Crowley put her arm over Aziraphale's other shoulder. " Tired." Crowley said knowing she was. She stressed from everything. Just from that week it was a lot for her. She wanted to sleep and relax. Aziraphale sighed knowing her girlfriend was. She didn't blame her. She was to. But she knew they didn't need sleep. They were celestial beings. They don't need the things humans need. But having to fit in for so long. They got used to it.

Aziraphale put down her book. She looked at her girlfriend. " Alright half an hour nap. Then we go to lunch." Aziraphale said knowing they can for an hour. Crowley smiled at those words. " Alright." Crowley said agreeing to that. Aziraphale put her book away for now. She looked at Crowley as they went upstairs. Once upstairs they went into their room. They laid down under the covers. They snuggled close to each other. They fell asleep a few minutes after that. Finally happy together. They can be together and not worry about Heaven and Hell.

The End

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