Mission of love

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Sasuke pov

"What kind of mission?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Go see grandma and find out. All I know is it's only you and Sakura that's going." he said giving us that weird grin again. Then in a poof of smoke he was gone.

"Well lets not waste anymore time, come on Sasuke-kun." Sakura said as she grabbed my hand and lead me toward the hokages mansion.

We stopped outside the hokages office, Sakura was hesitating.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me, her emerald eyes shown worry.

"Is it because it's just you and me on this mission?" I muttered.

"No. No Sasuke-kun, it's just... I've been..."

"Come in! Hurry up you two, you have to leave in the morning!" Came the hokages voice from behind the door. Sakura sighed and pushed the door open.

"Sakura,Sasuke. The two I needed to see an hour ago. I have a mission for you both." Said the blonde hokage.

"We heard ma'am, Naruto told us. What's the mission?" Sakura asked.

"Well it's going to be very important. Theres an S-ranked criminal hiding in a village just north of the lightning village. Tomorrow, starts their week long festival." She said.

"What kind of festival, and who's the criminal?" I asked.Tsunande smirked at me, "The person your serching for is a ninja named Timaru. He was last seen in the village hidden in Roses." She said.

"I've never heard of that village. Or the criminal." I said giving her a vacant stare.

"Yes well the village has just allied with us and all they ask is if we may get rid of this criminal." Tsunande said while taking a sip of sake.

"So we just go there and find the criminal, and capture him?" Sakura asked from my side.

The hokage nodded, "You have a week to capture him. Sakura, you and Sasuke must complete this mission no matter what, you leave for the village tomorrow morning." And with that we were dismissed.

Sakura pov

The night air had become chilly but I was glad that Sasuke was walking me home.

I glanced over at him, his broad shoulders made his toned chest visable; and his face was just like before but more defined.

"Have you ever heard of the village hidden in Roses?" He asked snapping me out of my daydream.

I shook my head, "No."

He nodded and looked away, "So your fine with this mission being just you and me, alone for a week?" He asked. We stopped outside my apartment, Sasuke stood across from me I honestly didn't know how to answer, because I honestly dont know how I felt. Half of me wanted to exploded in joy, a week alone with Sasuke, oh yes! But the other half was still worried.

"I'll get back to you on that." I said giving him a wink and a quick kiss on the cheek then I stepped into my apartment and shut the door. I could hear him grunt and walk away. Sliding down my door I sat there and sighed, "Oh Sasuke-kun if you only knew." And I ended up falling asleep there. Dreaming of Sasuke.

To be cont...

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