Rose Pagent-Mission 2

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Sasuke pov

"You ready?" I asked Sakura. She nodded,"Oh yeah." We walked out onto the streets which were already crowded with people ready to hear what the second mission of the rose pagent was. I could tell from how Sakura acted that she to was ready for the second mission. It took us almost half an hour to wade threw the crowd and make it to the stage where the other four couples stood waiting.

"Alright. Now is the time for the couples to find out what their second mission will be." The man said, "Couples go ahead and open your envelopes" He cheered. Sakura opened ours and slid the blue paper out of it. "Tonight's challenge will force either the boy or girl in each couple to go threw the split dream challenge. So if your paper says male or female that's the one who will have to go threw the challenge."

Sakura frowned, "It says male. So it's all you." she spoke lightly.
"So the other part of the couple will be strapped to a chair. The couple that comes in last will be met with a shocking defeat." He said. Sakura sat in the chair and frowned at me. The man walked by and handed everyone who was doing the challenge a small pill.

"It's completley safe. Take this and you will fall into a dream state, you will have to face your worst nightmare to save your other half." He said with a smile as we all downed the pill. "3...2....1...." He counted. I started to feel drowzy, "Go!!" He yelled.

I closed my eyes then I was standing in the leaf village, but everything was burning or broken. I looked around, "Hello?" I yelled but no one answered. I began to walk around searching for anyone who was still alive, but all I found was bodies of ninja I knew.

Hinata sat by a tombstone, her face had been badly burnt. Shino and kiba sat next to her but they had been ripped apart I could only tell it was them by Kiba's jacket and Shino's glasses. I shuddered and continued walking, I found the bodies of Lee and his team next, all of them had broken bones and fatile wounds. "This is a nightmare." I muttered.

"Hey Sasuke? Is it really you?" came a familiar voice. I turned and saw Ino sitting in front of her flower shop. I ran to her side, "Ino what happened here?" I asked. She gave me a sad smile, "She just went crazy Sasuke, I... I can't feel my legs Sasuke-kun." She whispered the last part. Then I noticed why, she had no legs and a huge gash on her stomach. "I'm scared to die Sasuke." She muttered.

"Tell me who she is." I said.
"She was angry, at us and you. But she's been using different jutsu and it's made her different. Sasuke you have to stop her." She said slowly.
"Ok, I'll try to heal your wounds, hold still." I mumbled but she just laughed, "It's useless Sasuke-kun but thank you for trying. Go find Choji and Shikamaru please. Try to save them." Then she was silent.

Anger flared in me, I ran threw the shattered village fast looking for Shikamaru, Choji but mostly for Naruto.
"Run you idiot! She'll kill you two!" I heard Shikamaru yell from up ahead.
The scene in front of me was a bloodbath. Choji was practically torn in half, Kakashi and Sai were beaten so bad that their skulls were crushed. Shikamaru stood not to far from me he looked a little banged up but better then anyone else here, then he saw me, "Sasuke you gotta stop him. She will rip him to shreds! Let's just go and escape while we can." He yelled. I looked where he was pointing and a chill crept down my spine. A chill I had not felt since that night long ago with the murder of my clan.

Sakura stood over a beaten bloody Naruto, but he was laughing at her.
"I used to love you. Now all you are is  power hungry." He said. She rolled her eyes and raised her fist. "Just die already!" With that she slammed her fist into his chest but it was more then that, it went threw his chest. She grunted and pulled her hand out, and laughed at what she was holding. Narutos heart. "Naruto!!" I yelled. Her head snapped in my direction. She gave a smile, "Sasuke-kun. Welcome." She spoke coldly. Her emerald eyes were cold and darker but I couldn't look away. That was my mistake.

To be cont.....

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