Monday-Relationship Goals

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Sasuke pov

One thing I found out about Sakura was that she snores as she sleeps. We got a hotel room last night with two beds. I woke up before her and watched her for a minute, then I walked out. Now i'm walking around this village looking for any sign or info on this ninja we are supposed to find.

As I walked around the corner I grunted as someone bumped into me and fell backwards onto the ground. I looked down to see a dark skinned girl with long bright red hair and bright blue eyes staring back up at me.
"Sorry. I should have watched where I was going." I said as I helped her back to her feet. She brushed herself off and gave me a smile, "It's ok good lookin. My names Shia, who are you?" She asked.

I gave a smirk, "My names Sasuke."
She shook my hand, "Well Mr.Sasuke, i'll see you around, i've got a mission to complete but i'm sure we will bump into each other again." She said giving me a wink and vanishing in a puff of smoke. I just shook that off and continued walking down the road looking for any sign of the ninja we were after. I asked around but everyone said they knew no one by the name Timaru.

So all I found out was that tonight started the rose festival, so I stopped and picked up two bento boxes for me and Sakura then on my way back to the hotel room something caught my eye, it was a beautiful red kimono. I stared at it for moment before I noticed someone at my side, "Beautiful right?" The girl asked, she looked to be a few years younger then me but she even wore a headband. I nodded.

"You going to get it?" She asked.
"Why? Do you want it or something?" I asked. She puffed up her cheeks then looked up at me, "No. I'm not nearly pretty enough to wear that. But I bet your girlfriend would look beautiful in that." She said with a sad smile.
"I don't have a girlfriend, she's just my teammate." I said.
"Well either way she's pretty!" The girl said.
"Who are you?" I asked annoyed, she gave a giggle and stuck her hand out at me.

"My names Aym. And who are you mister?" She questioned, I shook her hand.
"I'm Sasuke." I said. Her gaze went back to the red kimono.
'Come on Sasuke dont be mean you can tell that this little girl wants that badly.' My inner said. I rolled my eyes, "Wait here." I told the girl as I walked in the shop and bought her the red kimono. Once I handed it to her, her eyes lit up.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheered the hugged me.
"Oh but I can't take this, you were going to buy it for your girlfr.... Your teammate." She said. I sighed and ruffled her dark brown hair, "She will understand, besides it would look better on you anyway." I said. She smiled at me, "Thank you. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!" She yelled, it made me smirk.

"I'm sure your parents are wondering where you are, you should go show them your new kimono." I said. Her smile instantly faded, "My parents are dead. My whole clan was murdered when I was young." She said in a sad tone. I automatically felt this girls pain, she was a ninja without a family same as me when I was her age.

"I'm sorry, so was mine." I muttered.
'Aww look at mister senstive over here.' My inner said.  "Don't." She said looking at me with tear filled eyes. "Don't pity me." She said. I knew exactly what she ment, forever I hated seening the faces of the villagers. Their eyes always shown pity and I didn't need it neither does she.

"I don't pity you. I know exactly how you feel. But I do know that you have a team, if your lucky that's the only ones you will need, so be the best you can be." I said. She gave me a big smile then her eyes widened and she hit herself in the head. 
"Crap I was supposed to meet my sensei and my team at the rose petal lake. Thank you Sasuke for the beautiful kimono!" She said as she turned to walk away but she stopped and turned her head, "And your girlfriends lucky to have a guy like you." Then she was gone. I sighed and started back toward the hotel when a voice caught my attention, I turned only to be captured in a hug by a certain pink haired ninja.

To be cont....

Sasuke and Sakura-Rose Village (Book 1 Revised)Where stories live. Discover now