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Sasuke pov

Seeing the gates of the leaf village was a sight for sore eyes. But what caught my attention was the orange speck that was heading right at us. "Sakura-chan!!!! teme!" Naruto cheered as he ran up to us and wrapped us both in a hug. Sakura laughed while I grunted and pushed Naruto away.

"Dobe, don't hug me." I growled. He smiled at me then at Sakura, "So how was your mission!? Did you catch that ninja?" He questioned, Sakura gave a giggle then patted Naruto on the back. "Yeah come on, Sasuke and I will tell you all about it on the way to Tunade's office." She said taking my free hand in her own. Naruto's blue eyes widened then he gave us a sly smile, before he could ruin the moment I pushed Timaru toward him, "Here and you can watch him while your at it." Timaru glared at me then at Naruto.

"Hey this kid better not be gay! I'm not that way!!" Timaru yelled, I gave a chuckle and Naruto's face grew red, Sakura let out a laugh and I couldn't help it she just looked so darn cute. I leaned in and gave her a passion filled kiss, I heard Naruto gasph. "Not again." Timaru groaned. I smirked at his comment.

We stood in front of Tsunade trying to explain the weeks events but Naruto wouldn't stop dancing around the room yelling, "SASUKE AND SAKURA KISSED! SASUKE AND SAKURA KISSED!!" "Enough Naruto!" Tsunade said causing him to stop, "Good work you two. The anbu will take him into custody but I'm afraid your work isn't quite done yet." She said, Sakura and I looked at each other.

Third person pov

Deep in the heart of the Rose village sat a small group of powerful enemies.
"Sir." One said. The leader who sat high on a throne looked down at the man who had spoken. "Timaru has been captured by the Uchiha and his pink haired wretch." He spoke. The leader sighed and shook his head.

"Does this interfere with our plan?" He asked. The other man shook his head, "No sir. But I met with Timaru the night before he was captured. He said he had it under control" The man growled. The leader gave a small laugh, "Inform Timaru's brother Hidan. We continue as planned, nothing can stop us. Not even Sasuke Uchiha." The leader growled as he faded away.

The End!!!

(A/N: Well this is the end of AmericaS16's story haha maybe. Thank you all for reading and voting and comments!!! Thanks again bye :-)!!!)

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