Rose Pagent-Mission 1 pt.2

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Sasuke pov

I had to admit if they were trying to test our trust, they were doing a great job. I felt Sakura lead me left then right, then she stopped and I felt her hot breath on my cheek. "I hope you trust me. When I say jump, jump." She spoke. My heart started to flutter, 'What is she talking about. It's just a maze, why would we have to jump?' I asked myself.

Before I could come up with an answer she pulled me forward and I could tell she was running. "Jump!!" She yelled. I did as she said, then we rolled to a stop.
"What did we jump over?" I asked. She was breathing heavily but said, "A pit of water."
"You couldn't have just walked threw it?" I questioned.
"No. Its full of poisones fish."
"Oh." I said. She took my hand and stood then started forward again.

Sakura pov

I could tell Sasuke was annoyed I had him jump, he was just annoyed because he actually had to rely on someone else to be his eyes. We turned a corner then another, this maze was confusing. It seemed like no matter where I went, we were no closer to the end. A few feet away I heard someone yell but I focused on finding the ending to this dang thing.

"Getting frustrated won't help." Sasuke said. "Lucky your not here with Naruto, he would just tell you to just smash your way threw the maze." He said. That's when I got an ideal but before I could use it I was kicked in the side causing me to stumble sideways with Sasuke.

A girl who was way taller then me laughed then ran forward tackling Sasuke to the ground, I growled and with one swift punch knocked her and her partner threw the bushes. Sasuke stood, "Sakura! You ok!?" He asked, I ran over and took his hand. "Yeah I'm fine, and your right smashing my way threw the maze worked perfectly."

"You didn't?" He questioned. I smiled at the disbelief in his voice. "Well I smashed someone else threw the maze but they made a hole big enough that I see the end so come on." I said excitedly dragging him with me. Once we reached the end I saw that there were two envolopes left. I ran forward with Sasuke tailing behind to grab one but I wasn't the only one, the girl named Shia ran foward dragging Timaru behind her.

She completly ignored me and grabbed an envelope but from here it looked like her eyes were bleeding, then she was gone in a puff of smoke, I just frowned and grabbed the last envelope, just like Shia we were both covered in smoke.
We reappeared back on the stage next to three other couples. "Here's our four winning couples that move on to the second mission of the rose pagent." The crowd cheered. The man turned towards us, "Now all you lovely couples go home and get some rest. Tomorrow we will continue." He cheered.

Silently Sasuke and I walked threw the crowded street back to our hotel, well silently until my stomach decided to growl. I blushed and looked away, "Come on let's get some dumplings." He said nodding toward a dumpling stand. I nodded and we sat there talking and eating. I can honestly say that was one of the best nights of my life.

Timaru pov

"Good job tonight, but tomorrow we will do better." I said as Shia and I walked down the dark street. Shia dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.
"You shouldn't have used your kekkai genkai ." I sighed.
"I wanted to get us out of there as quick as possible." She said. I nodded, "Now what to do about those leaf ninja?" I asked. We contined to walk while I pondered a plan. Then movement up ahead caught my attention, I signaled for Shia to stop. We hid as a girl and boy came into view.

"Thanks for the necklace Ryi. I love it and the picture you put in it of our team." The girl spoke. The boy laughed and said, "It was nothing."
"I can't wait for tomorrow, Sasuke and Sakura are doing great." the girl said.
"Yeah Sasuke's cool. Oh here's your stop. I'll see you tomorrow Aym!" The boy yelled as he ran off. The girl stood there and watched the boys retreating form.

"Come on Shia I've got a plan." I said as we started toward the girl. As we grew closer the girl turned toward us, "Now Shia! Cast the genjutsu." I commanded. She nodded and did as she was told, the girl started to scream but before she could her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell forward onto the ground. "What do we need her for?" Shia asked as I picked the girl up and threw her over my shoulder.
"Insurance." I said giving her an evil smile.

To be cont....

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