Monday Night-Relationship Goals pt 3

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Sasuke pov

I stood in the hotel room listening to to shower. Sakura said she needed at least an hour to get ready for tonight's festival and the first mission of the Rose villages couple pageant and still we were no closer to finding the criminal we were sent here for.
"Are you ready yet?" I asked annoyed.

Sakura poked her head out from behind the bathroom door and said, "Hold your horses." Then just like that she shut it again. I sighed and walked to the front door, "I'll be outside if you need me." I said.
"Ok!" Sakura replied. I opened the door and stepped out into the night, good thing I wore a jacket because it was cold. I walked over and sat down on a bench not to far from our room.

"Hey handsome. What ya doing out here all alone in the cold?" I looked over and saw the girl I bumped into earlier. She wore a thick blue kimono that matched her bright blue eyes. She stared back at me waiting for an answer. "I'm waiting. What are you doing out here?" I asked as she sat beside me.
"Waitn." She said with a laugh, she started messing with a lock of her hair. "On who? Your boyfriend?" I questioned. She nudged me playfully, "Yeah he makes me wait. He's not really even a good boyfriend." She said with a sigh. I felt bad for a moment till she smiled again and looked over at me, "Who you waiting for? Your girlfriend?"

I shook my head, "No. My teammate. I'm single." I said.
"Oh boy. I bet all the gir....."
"Ok Sasuke-kun I'm ready to go." Came Sakura's voice. I turned and literally my heart stopped for a moment. She wore a nice pink kimono, same pink as her hair, which she had up in a tight bun with her bangs falling framing her face and her beautiful emerald eyes. She looked beautiful.

"Wow is that your teammate?" Shia asked. We both stood as Sakura made her way over to us."Hello. Sasuke-kun who this?" Sakura asked.
"Sakura this is Shia, Shia this is Sakura, my teammate." I said as cooly as possible. Sakura gave her a smile and Shia returned it. Then out of the blue a man stood beside her. He had short grey hair and cold grey eyes.

"Shia how many times do I have to tell you not to run off." He asked. She gave him a glare then sighed, "I'm sorry honey." She turned to me, "Sasuke, this is my boyfriend. Timaru Shizoki." He reached his hand out toward me and I took it, but I froze. This was the man we were sent here to capture.

"Timaru, this is Sasuke and his teammate Sakura." He smiled and reached toward her but I took her hand and said, "Oh, sorry but we really have to go." Then I walked away while pulling Sakura along behind me. Once we were in the middle of the village I stopped."Sasuke what's gotten into you? That was rude." Sakura said.

"That was the ninja we were sent here to capture." I said. Her eyes widened, "Oh. Then why didn't you say something?" She questioned. I started to answer when I was tackle hugged. Aym stood laughing with her arms wrapped around my waist. She wore the red kimono I bought her and had her dark brown hair up in pig tails.
"Hi mister Sasuke!" She cheered. I nodded to her, her eyes went to Sakura and she gave a big smile, "So this is your girlfriend??" She said causing Sakura and I to blush. "This was going to be a long night." I sighed.

Timaru pov

I watched the retreating form of that Sasuke guy and his partner. Once they were out of view I turned and backhanded Shia. She whimpered and fell backwards onto the ground cupping her cheek.

"How many times have I told you not to run off. Don't forget I'm one of the deadliest ninja out there; I will kill you if you become usless." I growled.
"To make matters worse, you saw the guys symbol on his back right? He's an Uchiha. Their from the leaf. That old woman must have sent them for me, and you told them my name. You stupid!" I yelled as again I slapped her. Tears of blood began to run down her cheeks, I bent down and wiped them away.

"From now on speak when I say you can. So come on. We have a festival to attend and stop crying, your wasting your time and your kekkai genkai." I said as I stood and turned away from her.
"Now's the time to show my power."

To be cont...

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