Thursday-Rose Pagent Mission 3

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Sasuke pov

I sneezed then gave Sakura a glare.
"Don't you glare at me, it's your fault that your sick. You should have wore your shoes before coming out in the snow with me." She said sticking her tongue out at me. "Hn." I replide.
She sat a bowl of steaming chicken soup in front of me, "Here's your food, I made it from scratch with special herbs. It should have your cold gone by tonight so we can complete another mission and get closer to winning this pageant." She said.

I sighed knowing she wouldn't let me go anywhere until the soup was completley gone. I took a sip and felt the warmth spread throughout my body. Sakura frowned and held up two different kimonos. "Black with blue, or yellow with orange?" She questioned.
"Black with blue." I said not looking up from my spoon. She was silent for a moment then she smiled, "Ok. Here you can wear this long jacket Naruto packed you." She said.

That caught my attention, I looked up at her. "He what?" I asked. She withdrew a hokage like jacket that matched her kimono perfectly. Then she withdrew a shirt and pants that were the same as the ones I wore now, but the shirt was black with a small Uchiha crest in the middle of the shirt and the pants where a dark shade of blue. "We are going to match." She giggled. I grunted and sat back down looking over my soup. I had to remember to hit Naruto harder when we got back to the leaf.

The day burned away quickly but thankfully the sun melted away all the snow. Sakura was dressed and ready to go, she looked beautiful. I was also dressed in the clothes my blonde teammate had picked out. "Let's go win!!" She cheered. I nodded and followed her out the door and down the road to the stage when we were about to find out what the third mission would be.

Timaru and Shia cast sideways glances at us as we took our place on stage next to them. "Welcome! Tonight is the third mission. This mission is dangerous, even more so then the first two. Each couple with start at a different gate and will run a long and obstacle course that will test your compatibility together. I hope you all can cut it." The announcer said. Each team glanced at each other then each was led off stage and to a diffrent gate.
"We got this." Sakura spoke from my side. Her hand slipped into mine and I gave her hand a light squeeze.

A horn blasted signifying the start of mission three. Our gate opened and on instinct we ran into the darkness. When we reached the first obstacle I thought this had to be a joke. It was just a clearing with a small wooden sign with a note pinned to it, the note read, 'Kiss your partner on the lips.' I turned toward Sakura. She gave me a smile then leaned in, I hesitated for a moment then leaned forward and pressed my lips to Sakura's. Her warmth spread threw my body giving me strength. When I pulled back her emerald eyes sparkled. A door at the end of the clearing hissed and opened.

"Let's go Sakura." I said as I took her hand and ran toward the door. Once threw the door we found ourselves standing in a arena type building. "Where are we?" Sakura asked.
"I don't..." I stared across the arena and saw an unfamiliar sight. Naruto and team seven's replacement for me Sai stood across from us. "No problem. Together we can take them." Sakura said. Beside Naruto and Sai appeared Sakura's blonde haired rival and the pearl colored eyed girl that loves Naruto. "Ino? And Hinata?" Sakura questioned.

I glared at all four of them, none of them made a move. "What are we supposed to do?" Sakura asked from my side. Hinata took a pose then ran at us, Sakura was the first to react. She ducked under Hinata's strike and hit her hard in the gut, to my surprise Naruto, Sai and Ino ran towards us as Hinata staggered backwards. "Sasuke, we have to figure out how to stop them!" Sakura yelled as she jumped away from Ino. I swung my katana at Sai who dodged creating an opening for Naruto to come at me. Luckly I blocked Naruto's strike with the blade of my katana and managed to kick Sai into Ino causing them both to fall. Sakura bolted toward Naruto and slammed him hard into the ground, I pulled her up by the arm so she was standing next to me. She was breathing heavily, "This isn't doing any good, I crushed Hinata's legs but she stood back up. What's it going to take to beat them?" She questioned.

Then an ideal popped into my head, "I'll take Naruto and Hinata. You take Ino and Sai." I said. Sakura looked up at me with a questioning gaze. I gave her a quick kiss then ran toward Naruto and Hinata. If my plan went the way I thought it would we would be out of here in no time.

Sakura pov

I didn't even have to swing once their eyes met it was over. They approached each other and started to make out, I looked over and saw Naruto use a rasengan to cause Sasuke to skid backwards. Hinata made a move to hit Sasuke in the back but I caught her hand and tossed her into Naruto. I grabbed Sasuke's hand and led him to the far side of the clearing where the stone door opened then slammed after we ran threw. We sat in the dimmly lit tunnel breathing heavily, "Sakura, thanks. These challenges aren't challenging at all they are just weird." Sasuke said from my side, his voice was huskey and it sent chills down my spine. He was right next to me, He stood and sighed.

"Come on. We have to finish this." I stood and together we walked threw the last stone door. Once threw it all we saw was a golden envelope on a podium. "Guess this is it." Sasuke said.
We took a step toward it and in a poof of smoke we were guarded. The people who just appeared turned out to be our parents. Sasuke's mother and father on one side, my father and mother on the other.
"Oh my god." Sasuke mumbled as his hand squeezed mine tightly.

To be cont....

Sasuke and Sakura-Rose Village (Book 1 Revised)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ