Rose Pagent-Final Battle pt.2

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Sasuke pov

My body was still numb, Shia had jumped in my way and blocked my chidori. She had my arm stuck in her grasph, she gripped my arm with her bloody palm and fractured my arm. I let out a scream of pain, Timaru now stood behind me. I tried to move but still I couldn't pry her hands off my arm and everytime I moved my arm it felt like it was on fire.

"Sorry Uchiha," He made a movement toward me, then out of no where Sakura hit him hard causing him to fly back onto the ground cracking it in the process. She turned to me,"Sasuke-kun you ok?" She asked, I noticed her legs still shook but some how she found a way to move. I nodded, "She managed to fracture my arm and now I can't get out of her grasph." I groaned, Sakura walked over to my side and with a grunt she pried Shia's lifeless hands from my injured arm. Her eyes widened slightly then she lightly laid Shia to the ground. I turned around in time to bearly dodge a kunai that Timaru flung at me, "We have to figure out how to beat him without killing him." Sakura said as I felt her warm hands on my already inflamed arm, Timaru let out a laugh, "I am very surprised that you were able to kill her. But thankfully she was able to give me her power, it's not her full Kekkai Genkai but it's just as good." He growled. Blood started to seep from his eyes, "Crimson tears:Jashin sacrifice jutsu!" He yelled. His grey hair turned black, and the flow of tears turned into painted lines that went from under his eyes made a circle around his neck then continued under his shirt.
"I'm not an S-class criminal for nothing. You shall be my sacrifices, my older brother would be proud!" He yelled to the heavens.

"Don't you even care that your girlfriend was just killed?" Sakura asked, something about her tone seemed off. Timaru laughed, "She was just a pawn. She was nothing really." He said.
"So was the baby nothing to?" Sakura shot back. It took me a minute to grasp what she had meant, I looked back at the lifeless body of Shia. She had jumped in the way of my attack and died for this man knowing that she was carrying his baby. Timaru's face grew pale, "I...What are you saying?" He asked.

"She was pregnant, that's why her Kekkai Genkai was so weak against us. Most of her chakra was being thrown off by the baby, and yet she sacrificed herself so your sorry ass could live!" Sakura yelled. Timaru looked truly troubled, he was speechless and I felt no better. I had killed a women that was carrying a child.
'Get ahold of yourself Uchiha. There was nothing you could have done to stop your attack when she got in the way.' My inner said.

Timaru's face contorted into a look of pure hate, trust me I know. He rushed forward at us, in the blink of an eye he smacked me to the ground then turned and started to trade punches with Sakura. She had an edge in strength but he was faster then her, he dodged then hit her fast and hard. I jumped back to my feet just as his fist connected with Sakura's face, that set me off. I yelled in anger, the curse mark expanded over my skin turning it a dark shade. My wings sprouted from my back and my hair grew longer.

(A/N:Remember this is after he killed Orochimaru and before he fights Itachi.)

Sakura pov

I skidded across the ground hard, looking up my breath caught in my throat. Sasuke had the curse mark activated but this time it was completely different then that time in the forest of death. Now Sasuke's hair grew longer and changed into a light bluish purple and his skin darkened, his shirt had been ripped away as he and Timaru fought back and fourth. Timaru knocked Sasuke backwards and as he was about to strike again, Sasuke's wing smacked Timaru into the ground. He stood, and let's just say that seeing Sasuke all banged up and sweaty without a shirt made me a little hot and bothered. He was breathing heavily as he dodged Timaru's strike and gave him a swift back hand. I stood and started to look for a way to jump in to help but they fought with so much intensity and speed that my eyes were bearly fast enough to stay with them. Sasuke flew up into the sky and I saw my opening, I rushed toward Timaru who was looking for Sasuke when with a chakra filled fist I broke his jaw. He gave a grunt and turned toward me, with a growl he raised Sasuke's katana that he must have picked up from their earlier fight and thrusted it at me.

Sasuke flashed down in front of me, he gave a grunt and I saw why. He wasnt able to block the katana without getting hurt so now Sasuke had two holes in his wings. Timaru took a step backwards, Sasuke withdrew the katana. The curse mark faded away, Sasuke gave a sigh.
"Give up now. Your all out of chakra, any minute now that crimson tear jutsu of yours will fade." Sasuke said; not even a few seconds after he said that Timaru's body turned back to normal. He was all scuffed up and was breathing heavily. "Give up." Sasuke repeated. Timaru gave a pained glance at Shia's dead body then with a sigh he dropped to his knees in defeat, right after that Sasuke did the same.

"Out of chakra too eh Uchiha?" Timaru asked then he winced at the pain in his jaw. Sasuke gave him a smirk and nodded, I gave a sigh and with a speed I didnt know I possessed I smashed my fist into Timaru's face knocking him out. "Stay down dick." I huffed before turning to heal Sasuke.

To be cont...

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