Rose Pagent-Final Battle

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Sasuke pov

The dragon sailed right for us, "Fire style: Fireball jutsu!!" I yelled. The fireballs exploded with an loud hiss, the snow dragon crumbled across the training field. I activated my sharigan, Sakura stood at my side ready to fight.
"We know you leaf ninja are here for me but if you let us go. We will let her go." Timaru said pointing over to the girl that Shia held. It was the girl I had bought the kimono for, her clothes were torn and she had dirt on her face. She looked as tho she was under a genjutsu but my eyes didnt pick up anything.

"You leave now and the girl goes free." Timaru growled. Shia's eyes started to give off a glow, and they started to bleed. "Bloody tears from the fallen. This is my partners Kekkai Genkai, do you feel that numbing feeling creeping down your spine?" He questioned. "Her stare will cripple you, her gaze will cast your soul into a hypnotizing swirl." He said. I did feel my arms starting to get that prickly feeling like they were falling asleep. "Yeah right! I'll take you down!" Sakura yelled. She took a few steps forward then her legs began to shake.

"What...." She muttered. I focused on Timaru, my sharigan seemed to slow her jutsu but I wasn't completely unaffected. "This isn't all her Kekkai Genkai can do." Shia slowly started toward us, Sakura closed her fist at the approaching girl. Shia's eyes continued to bleed as she stopped in front of Sakura, her hand rose to her cheek and she wiped some blood from her cheek onto her finger. She wiped it on Sakura's wrist then made a simple hand sign. Sakura screamed in pain and dropped to her knees gripping her wrist. I grunted and started forward, I rammed into Shia knocking her backward "Shia your wasting your special power. I know, I have a Kekkai Genkai too." I said, She turned back toward me and wiped away some blood away from her cheek with the palm of her hand.

"I know what you mean Sasuke. But Timaru is my lover and my other half, he saved me when we were young. My dream is to see him smile and be happy again, if destroying you makes him happy then I shall do so." She said giving me a sad smile. Her words took me back to the words said by the masked boy, Haku back in the mist village when I was younger. His words echoed threw my head, 'My dream is to make Zabuza's dream come true and if following the shinobi way and killing you both right here will do so, then I will proudly embace what it means to be a shinobi.' Haku spoke making me and Naruto smile.

I remembered how easily Haku had beaten me and I was not about to allow Shia to do the same, her bloody hand inched closer to my neck. My eyes flashed in anger, "No!" I yelled. I snatched her wrist, and knocked her away, lightning erupted with a blue sparks around my hand. The sound of thousands of chirping birds filled the air, my eyes locked onto Timaru's stormy grey eyes and I exploded forward. I could feel Shia close behind but I ignored her, my lightning filled palm grew closer to Timaru's chest, he showed no sign of moving. 'Chidori' There was a bright flash then something wet hit my cheek, instantly I could tell it was blood, then pain exploded threw my arm. I balled my free hand into a fist and gripped it so hard my palm started to bleed.
"Very nice Uchiha. But not good enough." Timaru whispered.

Sakura pov

My knees were shaking so bad, thankfully Lady Tsunade had taught me how to heal sprained and broken bones so now my wrist was ok again.
Sitting here shaking like this, my body almost completely numb. It reminded me of the time in the forest of death when I looked into Orochimaru's eyes and saw my death, thats exactly how I felt now. A few feet off Sasuke screamed, I struggled to my feet and ran toward the sound. Before I found him I found Aym, I healed her small wounds and sent her away from the battle. It had just occured to me that there were no longer a crowd of people around us or the announcer.

Once I finally saw Sasuke my eyes widened, Sasuke's lightning filled palm was burried in the girl with the bleeding eyes chest creating a large bloody hole. She gripped his arm with both of her hands, her eyes held no light but still she had a look of determination. Sasuke stood trembling trying to remove his arm from her grasph, the whole scene reminded me of Kakashi-sensei fighting Zabuza and right as Kakashi was about to hit him, his partner named Haku jumped in his way dying for Zabuza. That's what Shia had done for Timaru, her eyes still bleeding but Timaru showed no sign of caring. He walked behind Sasuke with kunai in hand and laughed, "Very nice Uchiha, but not good enough." He laughed.

To be cont....

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