Friday-Make it or break it

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Sakura pov

I stretched and sat up, to my surprise I was laying next to Sasuke. He was laying on his side with his back toward me, I blushed and got up out of bed. I needed a shower. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water flow down my body, it's been a long week and I still couldn't believe Sasuke and I were now together, his kiss was all I thought of now. His touch is what I craved, I remember three years ago that all I wanted was Sasuke. And now I have him, he is mine I couldn't get enough of his looks at me how he held me as if I would disappear at any moment.

Stepping out of the shower and drying off I got dressed. Today was the day Sasuke decided we were going to capture Timaru. To be honest I was worried about the fight tonight, Sasuke and I had no clue what to expect from Timaru or Shia. But what ever happens I was happy to know I wouldn't be facing this alone, Sasuke would be right by my side. I walked out of the bathroom and was stopped in my tracks at the sight of a shirtless Uchiha. My eyes roamed down his toned chest and smooth six pack, his pale skin was free of any blemishes. I blushed and looked away. "Sakura, do you know where that black shirt I had on last night is?" He asked. I looked around but didn't see it, "Sorry; I don't see it." I said. He grunted and threw on his white shirt, "We don't have time to waste."
"Hopefully we will be able to capture him without much fuss." I said as we walked out of the hotel room.

"Of course we won't he's a S-class ninja. So be on your guard during the entire fight, it's likely they will be fighting us with their full power."Sasuke said.
"Sasuke! Sakura!" Came Ryi's voice from the crowd of people. The poor boy didn't look to good, I could already tell he hasn't been sleeping well by the dark circles under his eyes. I smiled at him, "Hey, how are you?" I asked concerned. He shook his head and sniffed, "I'm not doing to good, Aym is still missing. But I just wanted to catch you guys and say good luck. I know for a fact that this Timaru guy did something with her I just can't prove it yet." He muttered.

Sasuke nodded, "We will find her. I'd tell you not to worry but as her teammate it's kinda required. If that criminal hurt her in any way we will be sure to hit him once for you." He spoke. Ryi gave him a wide smile and nodded. After he ran back into the crowed I gripped Sasuke's hand, "That was nice Sasuke." I said with a smile, he gave me a smirk but then his face changed. Up ahead stood a crowd, we were instructed to go to the training grounds this time instead of the regular stage. The announcer stood in the middle of the training grounds cutting Timaru and Shia from our side. They stood across from us with determined looks on their faces.

I could feel the tension in Sasuke's body as the announcer spoke. "Welcome to the last event of the Rose Pagent!" He yelled. Everyone began to cheer, "Give a warm welcome to our two teams that have made it this far." Again the crowd cheered loudly. "Alright, down to buisness. This event will be a simple two on two battle, which ever team admits defeat first loses. You fight until both members of the opposite team is unable to continue," He said. We both nodded, my grip tightened on Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke pov

I felt Sakura squeeze my hand, "Now, get ready." The announcer said as he backed away.  "GO!" He yelled, I ran forward and so did Timaru. We met in the middle of the training field, he took out a kunai and thrusted it at me but with a quick movement I blocked it with the blade of my katana but wasn't fast enough to stop his knee from hitting me in the gut. I stumbled back trying to catch my breath, he let out a laugh and caught me with a punch, "Sasuke!" I heard Sakura yelled.

'Focuse Uchiha.' My inner growled, I calmed myself as he ran fist raised at me again. I blocked and swiftly kicked him backwards then spun and kicked him in the face knocking him down to the ground. He gave me a laugh as he stood, wiping some blood from his mouth he gave me a grin. "Looks like I won't be able to beat you with taijutsu." He made a few hand signs, "Shia get ready!" He yelled.

I readied my blade to strike him down when Sakura appeared at my side, "Remember Lady Tsunade wants him alive." She muttered. He finshed his hand signs, "Snow style: Snow dragon jutsu!" He yelled. A cold wind blew all around us, a large snow dragon rose up from behind him and roared causing the temperature to drop.  "Goodbye leaf brats." Timaru said  smirking.

To be cont.....

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