Tuesday-Dreams pt.2

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Timaru pov

I sat on the balcony of the suite we had bought here at the biggest hotel. The shower was going and I could here Shia in the bathroom trying to sing to a song. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the balcony, landing on my feet I started walking. I wanted to get away for awhile, maybe even spy on those leaf ninja. I find it hard that they haven't pin pointed the ninja they were sent here for, but something told me not to let my guard down around that Uchiha even for a moment. Last night I had made up with Shia and we made love but I have to admit, she's only really useful because of her kekkai genkai. If not for that i'd left her a long time ago.

I walked down the road lost in my thoughts until a voice spoke from in front of me."Give her back."
I looked up to see a young boy, maybe twelve or thirteen glaring at me with blue eyes. His black hair was tied up and he held a kunai. "Who?" I asked.
"Aym. I saw you take her last night. Give her back, or I'll kill you." He growled. I gave him a smile and took a step forward, he began to shake.
"Boy. Just go home, I don't want to have to hurt you." I said. The boy yelled and ran forward and thrusted his kunai at me but I easily dodged and kneed him in the face. He stumbled back while holding his nose.

"Give up now?" I asked in an amused tone. He yelled and threw his kunai at me, I gave a laugh and caught it.
"Your not a very good ninja are you squirt?" I asked. He gave me a wide smile, "I'm not the idiot who didn't look at the kunai." He made the hand sign then the kunai exploded. He gave a yell of triumph until the dust cleared and I was standing there. His eyes widened, "How that was a direct shot, you should be dead." He said.

I laughed, "You can't kill me with a little trick like that, maybe you should practice your jutsu more." I said as I made some hand signs. "Fire style: Fire fist!" He yelled to my surprise he managed to create a large fiery fist and swung it at me. I sighed then glared at him, "You should have left when I gave you a chance." I rushed forward and punched him, I hit him multiple times until he couldn't move any more. He just laid there, I crouched down and looked at him, "Now. Dream." He screamed then fainted.

"It came from over here!" Came a voice.
I hid, the girl with pink hair came running up along with the boy that I saw with the girl I captured last night. The girl with pink hair began to look over the boys broken body. Her hand lit up, 'Hmm a medic?' I thought to myself.
"Intresting." I spoke softly as I turnd and walked away.

Sasuke pov

I couldn't sleep so I took a shower, changed and went for a walk. Everywhere I walked I was being told how hot I was and how well Sakura did last night. I ignored them all, I just wanted to get away from here and think to myself. I had alot on my mind but sadly the only one who I could talk to about it wasnt here. It was actually a few days ago.


"What's your problem now idiot?" I asked my blonde teammate. He sat on my couch looking glum, and not his usual self. "Ugh... Girl's are so complicated." He groaned. I frowned at him from my kitchen while I made me a cup of coffee. "I mean one minute Hinata is all into me then she just disappears."

"What were you two doing?" I asked.
"Just eating ramen. Like always."
"Maybe your breath made her run away." I said giving him a smirk. He frowned at me and stood up. "Maybe I'm not that good of a date." He complained, I walked over to his side and sipped my coffee. "Maybe it's not you. Maybe it's her." I suggested.

"Speaking of girls, How are you and Sakura?" He asked giving me a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and looked away, "What about us. Nothings new, nothings changed." I said.
"Oh bull! I see the way you look at her when we all are together. You steal glances at her." He says laughing.
"Shut up loser." I growl.
"But really Sasuke how do you do it?" he asked, I gave him a questioning look, "How do you keep your feelings for Sakura burried away?"

I stared at him for a moment then sighed and set my coffee cup down, "I'll be honest, it's hard Naruto." I said.
He gave me a smile, "So you do like her!" He cheered.
I gave him a glare, "This stays between us. Loser." I said. He gave a nod, "I have to go grandma Tsunade wants to see me." He said as he walked out of my apartment.

*Flashback End*

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard the explosion in the village. In no time I was almost at the sight of the explosion when I caught sight of Timaru casually walking my way. He laughed and gave me a wink as he passed. Up ahead I could see pink hair, 'Sakura' I thought to myself.
"It's ok. Make sure he is taken care of." I heard her tell the boy that stood by her side. He nodded and ran off with a medic ninja.

"What happened?" I asked when I reached her side. She looked at me then frowned, "Nothing just a fight that got out of hand. Come on it's already three o' clock. Let's eat then get ready for the second mission of the pagent." "Sakura..." I started. Her eyes met mine.
"Yeah??" She looked at me now with those damned emerald eyes. "Uh... Um... I had a dream with you in it." I said.

Her eyes widened then she smiled. "Tell me about it as we eat." She said. The rest of the day we sat in the hotel room just talking, I took a chance and learned more about Sakura. She had a older sister who i've never seen. And a puppy she got last year. Something inside me tingled as I listened to her talking. 'You love this girl.' My inner said.
'Shut up' I replide as I staired back into those beautiful emerald eyes.

To be cont....

Sasuke and Sakura-Rose Village (Book 1 Revised)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora