Rose Pagent-Mission 2 pt.2

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Sasuke pov

In a flash she was in front of me. "I'm glad you finally came. I've missed you." She said while she reached out and touched my chest. Fear pulsed threw me, and my heart started beating faster. She began to laugh, "My my... The great Sasuke Uchiha is scared of little old me." She said. Then she removed her hand and smiled, "Here Sasuke I destroyed the entire village just for you." She spoke slowly.

"Run Sasuke! We have to run! You can't save her! Run!" Shikamaru screamed. Sakura turned toward him and sighed, "Your annoying. I think you will die next. Excuse me Sasuke-kun." She said patting my cheek then she walked toward Shikamaru.

'Can't save her!' Shikamaru's voice echoed threw my head. Then I remembered, the real Sakura is not even here, she's strapped to a chair hoping I'll finish soon. No telling how many teams have finshed by now. "Sakura!" I yelled, just as she reached Shikamaru she turned toward me.

"No more hurting anyone. You and me right here and now."I growled. She turned back to me, "Ok. If you wish to die so soon. I was gonna leave you for last." She charged forward, time seemed to slow. She jumped and raised her fist, I withdrew my sword and swung cutting her stomach. She rolled to a stop then yelled and swung again. This Sakura had her super strength but just like the normal Sakura she was still to slow to hit me. She swung and missed again. "Ugh! Stand still!!" She growled. I smirked and caught her with a kick.

If beating an evil version of our team is the challenge then I would win big time. Sakura was skilled and has become a great ninja but still couldn't touch me. "Take this!" She yelled, again I dodged but this time when I looked into her eyes she changed. They were sharigan; my eyes widened and my body failed to move. Her fist connected with my rib cage and I could feel a few of them breaking. I skidded backwards and cursed."You like them? They are your brothers." My jaw dropped while a chill arched up my spine.

"Yeah that's right, I completed your revenge Sasuke-kun. And I took your brothers eyes." She spoke. I growled and tried to activate my sharigan but nothing happened. She laughed and started walking toward me, "Your not that smart. I'm an expert medic ninja. When I touched your chest I cut off the chakra flow to your eyes. No chakra, no sharigan." She spoke. Again she rushed toward me, this time she had the sharigan which made it almost impossible to dodge her moves.

I was knocked backwards onto my butt for the hundredth time, blood flowed from my mouth. My right arm was broken from trying to block one of her attacks and I twisted my ankle not to mention my broken ribs. "It's sad really. Your nothing without your Sharigan Sasuke." She coldly spoke. She leaned her face close to mine, "To think I used to be madly in love with you. And all you were this entire time was a pathetic loser." She spoke.

I felt the hilt of my katana, and slowly I picked it up. "Your still in love with me. And I won't let you hurt anymore people." I grunted.
"And just how are you going to stop me Sasuke-kun?" She asked as she laughed.
I pulled her face close to mine, I looked into her cold eyes for a moment then I pressed my lips to hers. She didn't pull back, 'Now!' My inner yelled. I raised my my katana and pointed it at her back then thrusted it forward into Sakura's back then her stomach, she coughed but I kept our lips together until my sword sank deep threw her gut leaving damage even she couldn't heal.

I pulled back, she glared at me and wiped away blood that was coming from her mouth."I love you Sakura, but I couldn't allow you to be this monster." I spoke. She glared at me then gave a pained laugh."If I die Sasuke-kun, then you do to." With that she pulled me closer to her until the blade of my own katana was sunk deep into my stomach.
Her soft warm lips pressed against mine again, "I love you to Sasuke-kun." She muttered as tears started to stream down her cheeks, then I sank into darkness.

Out of no where with a jerk I sat up. I was back on the stage, the crowd cheered. I looked around, all the others were still in their dreams with their partners strapped to the chairs. I looked over at Sakura and saw her beautiful smile. They released her from the chair and she came running to my side, I was so relieved that I grabbed her, twirled around then kissed her gently before realizing what I had done. I then sat her down and cleared my throat.

Sakura pov

I was so happy seeing Sasuke wake up first. Once they released me I ran toward him and for the first time he actually seemed happy to see me. When I got closer to my surprise he picked me up and twirled me around then what shocked me the most was when he kissed me. My first kiss...

He must have felt me stiffen because he then put me down quickly and looked away. I stared at him while blushing deeply, I had just gotten my first kiss, from Sasuke Uchiha. He wouldn't meet me gaze, so we stood there akward6ly waiting for the other teams to wake up.
The second team to complete the mission was Timaru and Shia. Then one other team, the last team got shocked pretty good. "Alright couples, heres your envelopes stating what the challenge for tomorrow is. Let's hear it one more time for our three couples that are moving on!" The man cheered.

The crowd erupted in yells and cheers.
"Have a good night. And see you tomorrow." The man told the couples as he handed us the envelopes. It was awkwardly silent on the way back to the hotel. I ate some ramen in a cup and Sasuke stuck to a tomato as we walked. "Sasuke?" I questioned.
"Im sorry Sakura, I didn't mean to kiss you. It won't happen again." He said without looking at me. A cold wind blew and made me shiver, next thing I knew I had Sasuke's jacket wrapped around my shoulders. "But Sasuke-kun won't you get cold?" I asked.
"Don't worry about me." He mumbled. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me.

"Sasuke...I...I liked the kiss." I stuttered.
"You don't have to lie Sakura. It will never happen again..."
"I want it to!" I interrupted. He looked at me and raised an eye brow.
"I've always wanted to be with you Sasuke. After you left it hurt, and I'll admit it I'm afraid of loving you. Because if I start again and you leave it will break me." I choked out.

He took a step closer and put a finger under my chin, raising my head where I was forced to be looking at him. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. My eyes widened, "Never again." He said. I gave him a wide smile and took his hand in mine. "Let's go it's getting cold Sasuke-kun." I said. I was in heaven. 'And it's official! SasuSaku! Be jealous ladies!' My inner cheered all the way to the hotel.

Timaru pov

"Good job." Shia said from my side.
"Not good enough." I growled.
"Hey. It's ok. Everything will work out." She tried to cheer me up. I looked up at the clear sky and gazed at the stars.
"Shia, go back to the hotel and check up on the girl." I said.
"You making your move?" She asked. I nodded, she sighed then walked off.

I made a few hand signs, "Hidden snow jutsu: Snowfall desire." I said. I gave a wide smile, as a white flake slowly fell from the sky into the palm of my hand.
"How can you leaf brats stop me,when you won't even be able to keep your hands off each other?" I said out loud, then I laughed and started toward the hotel as the snow started to fall heavier.

To be cont....

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