Rose Pagent-Mission 3 pt.2

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Sasuke pov

"Son what are you doing with Haruno scum?" My father asked. A man with spiked pink hair took a step forward, "He's scum. An Uchiha carries nothing but hate and pain." Her father growled. Her father and mine started toward us, on instinct I stepped in front of Sakura.
"Move son so I can kill that thing." My father growled. Sakura's father pulled out a kunai and shoved it at me, before I could react it sank into my stomach. I couldn't stop my mouth from opening or the words that followed.

"I love Sakura, weather she's a Haruno or not. I've finally found the one who makes me feel special, who I can just be around and be happy with." I said, I could feel blood drip from my mouth, the words were out of character for me but nevertheless true. My fathers eyes widened, "You love her?" He mumbled. Sakura's father was speechless. Our mothers approached us, "Sasuke, I'm glad you have found someone to make you happy." My mother said, the kunai Sakura's father stabbed me with faded and so did the wound from it. Sakura's mother gave Sakura a big hug then handed her the envelope.

"You've found a great man honey. Keep him close." She said as they all faded. The last stone door gave a groan as it opened, Sakura gave me a large smile. Her cheeks were bright red but I could see the happiness in her eyes. Together we walked threw the door and back onto the stage."Well we have our final two couples. Timaru and Shia and Sasuke and Sakura." The announcer said, the crowd went crazy. Timaru and Shia stood at our side, "The last challenge will be held to tomorrow night. It will be a two on two fight between these two lovers." He said.
"I suggest you love birds go home and  rest for the night." The announcer said giving us all a smile. We sat silently in the hotel room. "We could go find them now." Sakura said.
"No. We will finish this and capture Timaru tomorrow. No point in rushing." I sighed. Sakura raised an eyebrow at me then came and sat beside me on my bed.

"Sasuke, did you really mean everything you said?" She questioned.
I stayed quiet for a moment, her emerald eyes gazed at me, I leaned forward and lightly pressed my lips to hers. Again I felt a spark between us, like I couldn't get enough of her touch or her taste. I've never been a big fan of strawberries but Sakura is slowly starting to change that. I pulled back, "Does that answer your question?" I asked. Her cheeks turned pink and she snuggled next to me, laying her head on my shoulder."Can we cuddle until I fall asleep?" She muttered sleepily.
"Yeah."I replide holding her close. Great now i'm going to have to explain to Naruto why me and Sakura are so close I thought to myself.
'Protect her Uchiha.' My inner said.

Sakura pov

Being that close to Sasuke started to stir up feelings down deep in my gut. I slowly started to drift off into dream land when a light grunt caught my attention. I opened my eyes and noticed Sasuke's head was slightly tilted forward, I brushed his bangs out of his face to find out that he was asleep. I snuggled closer to my sleeping Uchiha and in no time joined him.

Timaru pov

I looked down at the naked beauty that laid by my side. Her fiery red hair covered most of her face, her tanned skin made her blend in with the night. After everything I had put her threw and yet she is still here with me. I got up out of bed silently and walked out onto the balcony, the night air was crisp and cool. The village was dark and silent, nothing moved and no lights were on, it was a peaceful night.

"Your taking your sweet time Timaru." Came a gravily voice from behind me, I didn't bother to turn because I already knew who it was. "Ha. I'm right on time. You my friend are just inpatient." I said turning to face him. He glared back at me, "You have two leaf ninja here for you, and they aren't pushovers either. Sasuke from the Uchiha and Sakura Haruno who trained under the hokage." He growled. I raised my hands toward him, "No worries, with Shia's Kekkai Genkai and my strength nothing, not even one little Uchiha or a hokage apprentice can stop me." I replide. He took a step forward until he stood inches from me, "For your sake I hope they can't." He snarled.

"You go. Let me worry about the lovers." I said. He stepped back into the shadows, "Just stick to the plan. I'll be back when we are ready to move." He said as he faded, I turned and stared back out into the night and laughed.
"This is going to be fun." I muttered.

To be cont....

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