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Fallitur looked at herself in the mirror for a while, touching up her appearance. She suddenly shook her head at her silly antics. "Stop doing this, Fallitur," She muttered. "He's just a cute kid. That's all." A knock at her room called her attention. "WHAT!?"

"Queen Fallitur, the visitors have arrived with Captain Gru," said the small servant.

"Thank you, I'll be out there momentary- Beastboy!" The servant's head swirled around to see the green teen. The servant spluttered.

"How dare you visit the queen unannounced!"

"Really? You come in unannounced all the time," Garfield replied. As the servant stood there confused, the green magician slowly pushed the servant out of the way and walked into the queen's room, shutting the door.

"You're astounding." The queen snickered, shaking her head.

"I've been told that," Beastboy gave a goofy grin. He looked around the room. It was very posh and decorated. The main theme of the room was red and gold. Her big luxurious bed had plush red sheets with a gold-painted ceiling over it. Pictures of grand earthly kings hung on the wall. "Why do you have pictures of kings?"

"These are the kings that have fallen to demonic seduction by any demon, such as money, power, women, and any other thing. While we demons don't get along, we do have a way of celebrating other demon's victory. Not that we care, you understand."


"The Demons of Goth Afa aren't really interested in demonic tasks. We're... more cool, as you mortals would say," Fallitur smirked.

"Okay, from the day I helped you-"

"From a mistake that you caused," the demon added.

"Anyways, I've been hearing that you guys aren't really demons. Why? You attacked a magical city! I would think that would be some kind of evil," he replied. Fallitur thought about his question.

"Well, my father, the king of Goth Afa, made a deal with Trigon to attack a magical realm. He and his people would gain the vast knowledge of all the dark magic, but in return, my father would be right underneath Trigon. My father was excited so he made the deal. We gained the knowledge the Trigon promised, but Trigon betrayed us and... literally fulfilled the promise to my father, by squashing him under his foot. My... mother wasn't really specific about the details."


"So, the demons of Goth Afa gave up dealing with any other demon. Because of that, we're fighting goody-two-shoes and the demons that look just like us. I guess it's true that you can't trust a demon."

"Yeah, I can sympathize with being betrayed," Beastboy sighed.

"You... You can?"

"It was a girl. 'Nuff said."

"Oh," Fallitur said. "I... Normally, it would sound suspicious of a demon to show empathy, but... I am sorry," Fallitur genuinely said. Fallitur, remember! Why the heck is he here?! "Which reminds me? Why have you come to the world of demons? Did you miss me already?" Fallitur purred seductively. Beastboy backed away from her.

"Hehe, awkward. No, we came here because... Grootslang wanted to learn more about you guys, and I'm on good... ish... ground with you so... yeah," Beastboy grinned nervously.

"You... you used me?" Fallitur asked.

"No, no, no! It's just!"

"HAHAHA! I'm just teasing you, mortal." Fallitur smirked. "Come on, let's go meet the crowd." She walked out, slapping Beastboy's behind on the way out.

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