Saving the World

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Beastboy stepped into one of the worst messes he's ever seen. Corinth's people were running amuck, trying to get away from the large black dragon in the sky. Gar stopped one citizen. "What's wrong?"

"It's Gorthan! He's been possessed by some kind of spirit!" The person said and then left.

"Mind control? For what?" Arella asked.

"It doesn't matter, we have to find Gorthan!" Garfield said seriously. Suddenly, a skyscraper started falling down on them. Beastboy reached out and gently used his magic to bring it down to the ground. "Okay, that was more of a strain," he grunted.

"There's Gorthan," Arella pointed out, seeing the dragon flying erratically in the air. They flew up to the dragon and shouted to him. "Gorthan!"

"A-Arella! Get away from me!" Gorthan strained to say, wiping his tail at them.

"Whoa!" Beastboy shouted as he ducked his tail's swing. "Gorthan, what's wrong?"

"He...he. is ... trying to get to... Arella!" Gorthan grunted, suddenly throwing a ball of fire at them.

"Who?" Arella asked, flying closer to him. Gorthan suddenly grabbed her. "AHH!"

"I'm sorry," Gorthan sorrowfully said and flew away.

"Gorthan! Arella!" Garfield shouted. He was about to follow them, but then he felt pinned in the air. "What's going on?"

"Greene! Come down here," Grootslang shouted. Garfield growled and zoomed down.

"What is it, Grootslang? Gorthan just took Arella to who knows where!"

"I know where he's going," Grootslang replied, "Gorthan was controlled by Magoth. He's probably trying to get Arella's knowledge forcibly."

"Where is he?"

"It is said that he resides somewhere in the Agatha cave, but it's very dangerous. Traps, snares, the works," Grootslang explained.

"Danger is not something I'm worried about right now," Garfield replied seriously, "Just tell me where to go."

Gorthan did as Magoth told him and placed Arella in special chains, restraining her magic. "Good dragon," Magoth grinned. "Now, guard the front and make sure to kill the Green Wizard when he comes."

"You won't get away with this," Gorthan strained to say.

"Ah, ah, ah, dragon. As long as you are a dragon, you're going to be under my control until I don't need you anymore. Understand?"

"Understood, master," Gorthan growled as he exited the cave.

"You hear that, brother? Master. Not a bad title," Magoth bragged.

"Just pick the woman's mind already and get on with it. We haven't much time," Malchior muttered.

"You won't get away with this," Arella warned.

"No? Well then, I'll enjoy the ride while it lasts," Magoth chuckled deviously as he placed his hand on her head.

Meanwhile, Gorthan stepped out of the cave to see Beastboy standing there. "Beastboy, be... careful," Gorthan strained to say as his hand moved by itself. Beastboy blocked the shot.

"Gorthan, how do I stop the mind control?" Beastboy asked as he dodged another fire blast from the dragon.

"Only... way... is... to defeat... Magoth... Or... destroy me."

"Not an option," Beastboy yelled underneath his dome of protection. "Next plan?"

"Spell... only works... on...dragons," Gorthan replied as he clawed at Beastboy's dome. He finally broke the blonde's concentration and smashed it to pieces.

"Only works on dragons, huh? Well, time to do that spell I learned. Sorry for this Gorthan," Beastboy apologized as his hand started to shine. Within the blink of an eye, Gorthan found himself free from the control of Magoth. He could now freely move his body around. But something was off about his body. He looked all over himself and found that he was a bunny. "Aw, you're so cute," Beastboy said excitedly. He glared up at Beastboy.

"IF Arella wasn't in trouble, I would bite you. Come on, we have to get save her," Gorthan said. They hopped over to the cave. Once they got to the room where Arella was in, they saw that Magoth and his brother were gone.

"Arella," Beastboy called, turning his arms into gorilla arms to break the chains. "Where's Magoth and the other brother?"

"They... left... where... I don't know. They looked into my mind to find... the spell that would give them dragon powers...I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything," Arella panted out of breath.

"It's alright, Arella," Gorthan replied, "Come on, let's get back to Azarath. We'll be safe there."

"No, that won't do. I know where we can truly be safe," Beastboy said, creating a portal. He picked up the weakened Azarathian and stepped through the portal as did bunny Gorthan. Then they popped up at Paradisum. "You'll be safe here." Suddenly, Freund and Dilectus flew over to them.

"Beastboy, we saw everything. We know where Magoth is going," Freund said.

"It won't matter if I don't know how to defeat him when he transforms into the dragon. I have to find a way to defeat him when he's a dragon," Beastboy explained. He started to perform another spell that made a blue cloud of smoke appear in front of him. There he could see holographic images of Fallitur and Grootslang. "Guys-"

"We know, we were told by the angels," Grootslang replied.

"So why don't you just use the same spell that you used on me?" Gorthan asked.

"Because that particular spell has its limits. If you're born a dragon, the spell can work indefinitely, until the magician changes that dragon back. However, if a person is changed into a dragon-"

"It's temporary?" Beastboy guessed. "Great. Then the only other way is to use the spell we found in Snowmoth."

"Beastboy, we don't have the necessary ingredients to make the gem for that," Arella said.

"How powerful does the gem have to be?" Fallitur asked.

"Ideally? More powerful than any of you," Beastboy sighed, "The gem has to be an all-around gem, having a bit of every kind of magic. The amulet that sent me here would have worked, but it doesn't exist yet." They stood there in silence, thinking about a plan. Then it suddenly came to Grootslang.

"Wait, you said it has to be some gem that has a bit of every kind of magic?"

"Yeah, dark magic, light magic, other kinds of magic all crammed into one," Beastboy explained.

"Beastboy, the gem doesn't exist because YOU haven't made it," Grootslang explained. "The magician that's practiced every kind of spell known to the magical realm is YOU! You're the one who needs to make the gem!"

"He's absolutely right. You're the only one who knows spells from everyone," Fallitur agreed.

"So it's on me to make sure that I make the right gem with everything I've been taught? No pressure, Garfield. The sake of the magical realm is just at stake," Beastboy sighed. Suddenly, he felt Arella's hands on her his shoulders.

"I know you, Beastboy. You can do it," Arella replied. Beastboy nodded. Then they heard a loud sound from Fallitur's hologram.

"You might want to do that quickly, though. He's here at Goth Afa," Fallitur shouted as her holographic form disappeared.

"Okay, let's do this."

Beastboy sat in the a big circle with a lone green gem in front of him. "By the powers of Azarath, by the powers of Goth Afa, and all in-between, I summon into this gem all that I deem. Put into this gem all the powers I loan, and save all the lives that the people do own. To protect, to understand, to make that which is right, I give to you, gem, the full power of Green Wizard's might!" Beastboy's greenish aura lit up so brightly, it blinded everyone in the room. Then it swirled into the gem. The gem glowed brightly with the same green power that Beastboy had. "Good, now to get to Fallitur. Fast!"

To be continued...

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