The More you Know

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"You want me to do what?" Arella asked.

"I need it, especially now that I'm going off to new places. I don't want someone who's in the past remembering me in the present so they can mess up the future," Beastboy explained. Arella simply blinked. "Yeah, I'm surprised I got the hang of this time paradox thingy, too."

"A...disguising spell? That changes your appearance completely? Why? Who do you know in the past that could affect your future?"

"Who knows. What if Raven came on a surprise visit?" He proposed. Arella placed her index finger on her lip, thinking as she looked to her left on the floor.

"You have a point. And a very strong one at that," Arella mumbled. "But, light magic is not the kind to 'deceive' like that."

"Don't tell me, dark magic is," Beastboy guessed.

"No, not that I know of. Fallitur could probably show you, but their kind of magic is very costly."

"Where else could I find the spell?" Arella thought about it.


"He can get that kind of spell?"

"You see, Azarath and Goth Afa hold the knowledge of light and dark magic respectively. But the Library of Corinth is a collaboration of all kinds of magic. While it doesn't have all the knowledge in the world, it does have the precursor or the most prominent ones. You may not be able to find the exact spell, but you will be able to find the location of the source." Garfield just smiled at Arella. "What?"

"Now I see why Raven's so smart," He replied. Arella smirked.

"Are you flirting with your friend's mother?" Arella almost teasingly asked.

"WHAT!? No! I was... I mean... Would you stop doing that?" Beastboy shot back.

"Thank you, Garfield. You will have to make the journey to Corinth alone, however. I am needed at the chamber of charms. I trust that you won't get into TOO much trouble." Beastboy took a long look at Arella's small smile. It was so small, you could hardly see the curve of her lip. He simply glared at her in silence before saying.

"No, you don't."

"Just come back in one piece," Arella conditioned as Beastboy exited the room. "Hmm, he is right about my daughter, though." Arella thought to herself. "I keep forgetting that he's not from here. I need to start looking into that magical gem that transported him here."

Meanwhile, Beastboy entered the magical city of Corinth through his own portal. He became very good at doing it, especially since Grootslang needed his help almost all the time. Garfield walked into the Library of Corinth and saw a small Centaur at the front desk. His human half had a green vest showing his pale white arms. His horse body was a patchy white-brown pattern. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Grootslang?" The Centaur's eyes widened.

"No one goes to The Great Snake and comes out the same door," He warned.


"He usually throws them through a window or portal for interrupting him," The centaur explained. Beastboy rolled his eyes. Grootslang really needed to work on his temper and pride.

"I'm a good friend of his. I need to ask him a favor," Beastboy replied. The half human was cautious and suspicious of Garfield but showed him to Grootslang's private study portal. It made sense to the green teen that Grootslang needed a portal. He honestly didn't know how the big snake could get inside and out of the library without one. Garfield walked through the portal and stepped into a large room, about 70-80ft tall from the look of it. Bookshelves surrounded every corner with a large pane glass window. Beastboy looked through the window to see the city of Corinth down below. The room he was in seemed to hover above Corinth. Then he heard hissing. He spun around and saw a large arched entryway leading into another room. Beastboy went inside and saw Grootslang, bundled up in a circle while his tail held a book. "Grootslang?" The large snake hissed angrily as he whipped his head around.

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