The Snake in the Team

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"Ka-Tu-Rum-FA!" The witch uttered, casting a spell on the nearby mailbox. It came to life and walked down the streets trying to munch on people. "Yes! It's more powerful!" She said excitedly.

"FOCUS!" Shouted a voice inside of her head. "You must bring the cloak to me, remember? Do not fail me."

"Yes, I understand," She humbly sighed. Suddenly, as she floated out of the shops, a blast from Cyborg's cannon knocked her to the ground. "UGH! What?"

"Mmmm green is definitely not your color," Cy jested. It was true. She just had a brown dress on that looked like it was made from a burlap sack. She was pretty though.

"Ugh, goody-two-shoes heroes," The witch muttered.

"Hey, just because we take care of our shoes doesn't mean we're bad people," Garfield joked. The others laughed.

"Wow, that was actually funny," Raven mused.

"Thanks, I guess," Garfield muttered.

"Titans! GO!" Robin shouted as the young witch tried to blast them away.

"Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!" Raven lifted a bunch of rubble, tossing them at the witch. The blonde witch created a barrier around her.

"You need some better magic," The witch jested.

"YAH!" Starfire cried, blasting her green star blasts at the barrier.

"DAH!" The witch was blown back into the building.

"You need some better of the manners," Starfire shouted. The witch forced her back with a swipe of her hand. Robin threw his boomerangs, making explosions all around her.

"Blast it. I can't see! WOAH!" She cried out as she felt herself getting tied up by something scaly. Suddenly, she was dragged away out of sight of the other titans as the smoke cleared.

"Where did she go?" Cyborg said.

"Wait, where's Beastboy?" Raven noticed.

"MmmPH! MPH!"

"Quiet!" Hissed the green snake. Beastboy took the witch to a secret place among the rubble. "Now, I need some answers."

"OG-AH- MAH OFH!" Beastboy covered her mouth with his tail.

"I could just take the cloak off of you and put you away," Beastboy said, "Come on. You don't seem like the evil type."

"You know nothing about me!" She screamed, blasting him off of her. "The Green Wizard's cloak is mine!" Beastboy changed back into his human form and stood up with the cloak in his hand. "How! GRR! Give me it!"

"No, not until you tell me why you want it," Beastboy said teasingly. The young witch considered it.

"You would really give it to me?"

"Well, the cloak piece of clothing doesn't really boost your powers."

"What? You're lying!"

"No, I'm serious. It's said that the Green Wizard's power kind of... dripped off onto the cloak. It's only a protective kind of shield. And it acts more like a little puppy than anything else." Suddenly, the cloak 'licked' Beastboy's face. "It's okay, boy. I'm not going to let the big baddie hurt you."

"That's impossible. I felt the power!"

"Did you?" Beastboy asked. The witch thought to herself. She couldn't really figure it out. "Maybe the cloak gave you some hidden confidence you had."

"Ugh! My uncle's going to kill me," The witch groaned.

"So you're doing this because of your uncle? Why?"

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