The Villain Within

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Grootslang, who was momentarily unconscious, swatted Magoth away with his tail. The blonde tumbled amongst the grass. Beastboy flew onto Grootslang's head. "A minor inconvenience. You should know better than that," Magoth stood back up. "Demons, attack them!" But the demons didn't do anything. "What is this?"

"(I've seen that kind of spell, green one. You stole the power of the sword from him,)" Grootslang said.

"You mean it worked? Awesome Dude!" Beastboy celebrated.

"(I would appreciate it if you finish the job quickly though,)" Grootslang hissed, reminding the teen that there was a time limit on the spell.

"Oh, right. Yo! Demons!" Garfield called. The Voit Demons stopped what they were doing and looked at him. "Sic' him!" The horde of green demons flew towards the yellow pretty boy. Magoth tried blasting the demons away, but there were too many. He threw the sword away, thinking it worthless, and escaped through a portal. Garfield flew over to the sword and picked it up. Pretty soon, a bright gray aura surrounded Beastboy and traveled to the sword.

"(I guess the power transferred back to the sword,)" Grootslang noticed. Arella walked up to the teen.

"What do I do with it?" he asked. Arella gave a small smile.

"I think you know what to do," Arella replied.

Beastboy returned to a city of celebration. The Goth Afa demons rejoiced in victory, spitting fire into the sky to mimic fireworks. "Wow," Garfield whispered as he walked to Fallitur's palace and then her throne room. Beastboy was slammed to the ground by Fallitur's hug.

"You did it!" Fallitur screamed overjoyed.

"Man, and I thought Starfire hugged hard," Beastboy wheezed out as Fallitur finally released him. "It was nothing."

"You call taking out one of the most annoying demons lead by a powerful sorcerer that you weren't up to par with nothing?" Captain Gru commented.

"Well, I guess it was something."

"How did you know you would win?" Fallitur asked.

"Oh I didn't," Beastboy confessed. Everyone in the room facepalmed themselves.

"Then why in Trigon's name did you do something as stupid as that!" Fallitur shouted, "You could have been killed!"

"Aw, you were worried about me?" Garfield teased, leaning on Fallitur's shoulder. The demon rolled her eyes as she pushed Garfield back, but she still smirked.

"Don't bet your life on it." She walked up to Grootslang. "To resume our discussion-"

"I've changed my mind," Grootslang interrupted.

"You... you have?" Fallitur asked.

"I was...forgetful of the amount of knowledge here. And how that kind of knowledge can be used dreadfully in the wrong hands," Grootslang answered.

"That's his way of saying he's sorry," Garfield whispered to Fallitur, making her giggle.

"Yes, well," Grootslang glared at the two of them, "I will personally give you the fair treatment you deserve, your highness. The rest of Corinth, I can't guarantee."

"I understand," Fallitur said, taking a deep breath. "It's a start."

"Whew, that was fun. Now, I could really use a nap," Beastboy yawned. Arella noticed something about the green teen's clothing. He still wore the robe that was normally worn by Azarathians, but the usually white robe had a pale greenish tint to it.

"If there's anything you want from me, anything at all, you know where to find me, Beastboy," Fallitur smirked, winking at him as he left the room. Captain Gru, who was standing to the right of Fallitur looked at her. "What?" Fallitur snapped.

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