The End

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"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed the fallen dragon as he rose up again. His tail smashed down on the three magicians.

"Look out!" Beastboy shouted, placing a barrier around them. "It didn't work."

"Figures," Fallitur muttered as Gorthan bodyslammed Malchior down. The other titans struggled to keep him down as Grootslang slithered up to them.

"How are we going to take that dragon down?" Grootslang asked. Then Garfield came up with another idea.

"Wait, he's a dragon. That's it! There is one spell he's not impervious to," Beastboy said, but then he groaned. "I have an idea, but I don't like it."

"Whatever it is, do it!" Fallitur urged.

"Fine. Beast?" In a flash, Beastboy changed into Beast. Somehow the green cloak still clung to his body.

"Gorthan, Robin, Cyborg! Get him over here!" Beast shouted. Beast targeted the evil dragon as Gorthan threw Malchior over to him. "It's time to finish you off."

"You can't defeat me. I'm immortal as a dragon!" Malchior growled, straight into his face. "Take your best shot!"

"Gladly," Beast growled back. "'Rah-FOO-Meh-HOP!" In a bright shining green tunnel of light, Malchior found himself shrinking and getting smaller.

"What?! No, No, NO!" Malchior cried as he felt something rising up his throat. He vomited the gem out of his body. "No!" Malchior cried as he felt his body changing into... a bunny. Then all of a sudden, everything went dark. Malchior stopped moving, he stopped breathing and died. Beast had caught the bunny by the teeth, digging into his flesh and snapping his neck. Blood dripped down the bunny as Beast spat the bunny out.

"Ugh, evil gives it a horrible taste," Beast muttered.

"I'll have some," Grootslang said, eating the dead bunny whole. Everyone's eyes widened as Beast's mouth dropped. "What? I'm a snake. I eat small mammals from time to time."

"Remind me not to date his daughter," Beast whispered to Fallitur, who gave the thumbs up. Beast transformed back to Beastboy. Gar picked up the amulet and gave it to Arella.

"Please put this in a place where people won't get it," Beastboy said, knowing that Azarath wasn't as safe as he first thought. Arella smiled.

"You said it couldn't be destroyed, right? I have a better idea," Arella replied as she cast a spell on the amulet and it turned into a bunny. Beastboy was confused. "We can't risk something this powerful getting into evil's hands." Beastboy nodded.

"Well, it's finally over. We can all sleep peacefully now," Gorthan sighed.

"Not yet," Beastboy said, "Stay here, I'm going to find someone." Beastboy flew away to a familiar place. Arella looked at Raven.

"You're hurt," She simply said to her daughter. Raven looked around to see where she was bleeding. "No, I mean you're hurt emotionally." As the others started recounting the tales that Beastboy had in the magical realm, Arella had a pep talk to her daughter. "You're hurt because of Garfield's secret?"

"Yes," Raven confessed.

"You understand why he didn't tell you," Arella said.


"But you're still struggling with it because... you felt close to him," Arella pointed out. "He talked a lot about you when he was with us."

"He did?"

"Of course," Fallitur butted in. "You're his favorite." Fallitur teased. Raven's eyes widened as Arella grunted in annoyance.

"Kamila, please. Why don't you go back home? I'm talking with my daughter," she grumbled.

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