Grootslang's Ghost

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"Just to be clear, we're talking about the 60ft snake that has a head the size of a semi-truck?!" Beastboy exclaimed. Raven looked at him with suspicion.

"Yeah, he told me that if anything happens to him to come here."

"Of course he did," Beastboy muttered.

"How do you know about the all-knowing Grootslang?" Raven asked.

"He's an African legend. I know the myth of him," Beastboy quickly explained.

"Please, you have to help me back at Corinth," Sobbed the daughter of Grootslang.

"How are we getting there?" Beastboy asked. The girl presented a small blue gem that suddenly transported them to the mythical land of Corinth. "Nevermind. This snake thought of everything." Suddenly, the loud smashing of a toppling skyscraper alerted everyone. Raven quickly held it up and threw it aside.

"Well, we know where he is," Raven sighed. "This is very dangerous. Grootslang is said to know everything in the magical realm."

"PFFTT, prideful myth much, Grootslang," Beastboy muttered under his breath. A loud crash sounded.

"TITANS! GO!" The team sprang into action. Starfire picked up Cyborg and flew over to the scene.

"WOW! That's a huge snake!" Cyborg explained as they touched down. Grootslang's snake body was terrorizing the city, wiping his tail around and destroying buildings. He wasn't eating people yet. Beastboy quickly thought of something as Raven talked.

"He's out of control. We have to calm him down," Raven explained.

"Cyborg, distract him. We'll go for the head," Robin instructed as Starfire flew up with him.

"Aw come on. Why do I have to be snake bait?" Cyborg complained.

"Please don't hurt him!" Shouted Grootslang's daughter.

"We'll try, but you said something about his mind being separated?" Garfield asked. "So where's the 'mind' half?" Suddenly, a large familiar cloud in the sky descended down to them.

"He's in the library. He looks like a ghost, but it's hard to convince him to go back. Ultimate knowledge and stuff" murmured a large dragon. Raven stepped back in surprise while Beastboy simply smiled. But he had to play clueless.

"And who are you?" He asked. Gorthan caught on.

"I'm Gorthan. Protector and convenient transporter for Corinth," Gorthan explained.

"I've heard dragons don't speak to stupid people," Beastboy joked. Gorthan laughed a little.

"Well, it's good to know that you two aren't that way."

"Gorthan! Please help my dad!" Grootslang's daughter cried. Gorthan gently wiped a tear from her eye.

"It's okay, Kleinslang, we'll be back before you know it," Gorthan smiled comfortingly.

"Then we better get moving," Garfield said seeing that the others were struggling to fight the large snake back. "Are you coming, Raven?" He asked, getting onto Gorthan.

"I'll stay here and make sure the big snake doesn't eat anyone," Raven cautiously replied, flying to the fighting. Gorthan and Beastboy rode off to find Grootslang's mind.

"So how have things been, Green Wizard," Gorthan asked because they were alone in the sky.

"It feels like everything has changed in a few minutes," Garfield sighed. "And everything has changed here."

"Yes, that will happen."

"So... Grootslang's daughter, Kleinslang?" Garfield asked, very incredulously. Gorthan laughed.

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