Chapter 16

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The next afternoon, I found myself reading in my usual spot on the couch.

Aspen and Oakley were my designated babysitters for the day. The former watching TV, while the latter braided my hair.

After my morning ritual, Oakley noticed my wet hair and insisted on allowing him to braid it.

I agreed, now thanking my past self for that. Oakley's fingers lightly tugged my hair as he shaped it into a braid. The feel of his fingers was unreal.

I never thought a man could make me feel this good.

Oakley suddenly choked as Aspen turned his head to me, a grin split his face.

"Careful there Grimm. You might stir some naughty thoughts." His eyes flicked to his brother. "Along with other things."

I held back my sound of surprise. Managing to keep my face impassive. "Grimm?"

"Kjell has a nickname for you." Aspen shrugged as he turned back to the TV.

"Kjell also isn't a complete ass to me." I remained still so Oakley could continue braiding my hair.

Aspen mumbled something incoherent.

"What?" I threw sass into my tone as I glared at the dick head twin.

"Nothing. Mind your business!" Aspen snapped loudly.

The sudden outburst reminded me of my father, and therefore triggering some repressed instincts.

I flinched back at his tone. Ultimately hitting Oakley in the stomach with my head.

To Oakley's credit, he didn't even flinch. But his hands did leave my hair.

I on the other hand felt a string of panic rise in me.

Angry male voices always bring pain.

I shut my eyes, desperately trying to push away my memories.

I heard a door burst open, then a familiar male voice boomed, "Get the fuck out."

Despite the tone and volume, the voice gave me comfort. It reminded me that I had people on my side now.


"Kj-," Aspen stuttered, "I'm sorry. I didn-"

Kjell cut him off with an animalistic growl. "I don't fucking care what you meant. You hurt my mate. And he is not happy, so unless you want to talk to my other half about this, I suggest you take a looong walk."

I heard somebody huff, then a door slam, which made me jump. Then cool arms scooped me up from the ball that I was curled in to.

"You okay?" Kjell's deep voice rumbled which made me want to shiver, in a good way.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted." I met his golden eyes, which seemed to have some black swirling with the color.

Kjell growled, again, as his arms tightened around me. "You don't ever have to apologize to me. Okay?"

Kjell tilted his head as he waited for a response.

"Okay." my voice sounded weak, but my panic seemed to fade by every passing second.

Safe. I'm safe with Kjell. I'm safe with Oakley. I'm safe with Asp-

Wait, Am I?

"Why are you back so early?" I asked Kjell. He turned his back to the couch and sat; me still cradled in his arms.

"My meeting was canceled. It seems I'm going to need a new Advisor, as my old one's mate just gave birth to triplets." He seemed happy as he spoke.

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