Mikasa and The War of Changes

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Past and Future

Somewhere in a sealed out mirror sea area of Pacific Ocean, know as 'Iron Bottom Sound', Eagle Union fleet is struggling in a fight against Elite Siren Forces and Axis Sakura Empire. A mysterious being resembling Heavy Cruiser Takao is seen wreaking havoc with her skillful swordsmanship and rapid firing 203mm guns, Baltimore is doing her best in holding her back but many and many more Siren ships keep appearing, moreover, the leader of the Sires, Tester SS is also present and can attack them at any moment.

Not far behind them, a tall girl with long silver hair, light blue eyes and wearing navy blue Admiralty Uniform, medium length skirt and hat is silently watching as the battle unfolded into all out war.

The Commander is watching from a small lifeboat in the middle of the sea, many shipgirls keep asking her why do she always insisted to watch a battle personally while it's clearly really dangerous place, while her answer is always same; 'To watch over the girls', many of shipgirls think that was not the actual reason.

The Eagle Union fleet is getting pushed back and now Mikasa is standing as the last line defense for Commander against Takao and Tester SS, while the rest of the fleet is still keeping off the siren duplicates. The opponents is starring at each other for a moment before starting their battle.

Several Years Ago - The First Great Atlantic Siren War

A transport fleet consisting of 10 ships from Eagle Union is seen cruising in the open ocean, they are on the way back home to New York after delivering supplies to Royal Navy allies. Around them is a 3 Armoured Cruiser in task of escorting them.

One Cruiser at the front is looking very different than other two, She have a black and white camouflage scheme and is flying a big black jolly roger flag at her forward mainmast, while her rear mainmast is hoisting Eagle Union flag.

This Cruiser name is Montana, a Tennessee-class armoured cruiser of Eagle Union, she is famously known as 'Pirate' due to her habit of collecting spoil of war from her defeated enemies. Despite her nickname, she is very loyal to her country and would do her duty with discipline. At the bow, stands a girl with long ocean blue hair and light blue eyes, and is wearing a serafuku (Sailor Uniform) and dark coat, some parts of her body is wrapped in bandages. She holds a medium-sized sword, which is beautiful and decorated with diamond and gold.

She stared at horizon, a smile formed on her beautiful face, seeing a calm blue ocean sure giving a calm feelings, she always wishing to sail in this beautiful ocean at peace once the war is over.

Few miles later, she saw a land in the distance, and soon the famously known Statue of Liberty is seen, welcoming them home.

Montana stop at the port and girl earlier stepped down from 'herself', she is greeted by her commanding officer, and he told her that central command want to talk about her about something important.

Montana walked along the port, heading to the big white building which is a Fleet Central Command, she entered the building and walking straight to the main office, in front of the office, she politely knocked the door and went inside, where she saw a man wearing full Admiralty uniform complete with some medals. Montana straighten her pose and saluting him before he told her to be at ease.

"Welcome to my office, Montana" The Admiral greeted her.

"It's an honor to be here sir, I heard there's something you want to talk about with me?" Montana said.

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