Chapter 10

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Blackarachnia ducked underneath the thick foliage overhanging from the nearby trees. Kelly clung onto the shoulder armor of the techno organic, balancing precariously. A week ago, when Arachnia had set out with a determination to rid herself of her organic half, she had found that annoying human brat Sari. The red headed girl did not have the special key imbued with the Allsparks powers, nevertheless Sari was still allied to the Autobots and knew where the Allspark was being held. Arachnia had thought it would be easy, kidnap the weak defenseless girl, get Sari to lead her to the Autobot ship, secure the Allspark and finally be returned to her old incarnation of Elita 1. Of course when taking into account that Arachnia was still a techno organic, it would be a safe assumption to make that her plan had not gone the way she had intended. However, her mission had not been completely futile. Results had been yielded, bringing an alternative solution to solve her problem.

Kelly giggled as she plucked flowers from overhanging branches. "This place is so pretty! Are we really going to live here now?"

Arachnia turned to look at the human child, smiling beneath her helmet. "Mmhmm, I assume you like it?"

"I LOVE IT!" Kelly exclaimed, throwing her arms wide only to lose her balance and flop backwards.

If it were not for Arachnia's reflexes Kelly would have probably gone splat on the ground. Arachnia chuckled, shaking her helm in amusement as she brought Kelly to optic level. "Easy there Sunny, I cant go catching you all the time."

Kelly laughed sheepishly, blushing in embarrassment. "Heh heh sorry..."

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, the trees and their leaves began to quiver, and the native wildlife scrambled to hide in their burrows. A loud terrifying roar was heard. Kelly whimpered fearfully and hugged Arachnia's thumb digit. "Is that a monster?"

Arachnia patted Kellys head gently with two digits in reassurance. "No, those are your new...uncles."

From out of the trees burst three robotic dinosaurs, one a tyrannosaurus rex, one a triceratops and the last a pterodactyl, all sharing the same red, yellow and grey colour scheme.

"Spider lady! Spider lady came back!" The T-rex exclaimed excitedly, his loud booming voice making Kelly squeak in fright.

Arachnia patted Kellys head, silently reassuring her before depositing the little one back on her shoulder. Kelly hid behind the gold upside down cone that jutted out of Arachnias shoulder. She was not afraid, though apprehensive and slightly curious. Arachnia turned to acknowledge the presence of the Dinobots. "Hey there boys, did you miss me?"

The Dinobots went into complete hysterics, pushing at one another to get to the techno organic. The pterodactyl attempted to fly only to be dragged back down by the T-rex clamping his jaws on its tail and thrown into a tree. The triceratops tried to use this moment of distraction to his advantage but the T-rex caught him trying to sneak off and intercepted him, pinning him down. "NO! Spider lady belongs to Grimlock! Grimlock is strongest!"

"Why are they fighting like that momma?" Kelly asked, coming out from hiding to watch the tussle.

"Well, I guess you can say they all like momma very much and they each want momma for themselves," Arachnia answered simply.

Kelly huffed, precariously crawling into Arachnias neck cabling. "Well they can't keep you, you're my momma."

Arachnia chuckled, amused. "I don't think you're going to have much of a choice, they live here too so you'll just have to get used to them. Besides, they're not that bad. If it weren't for them I would never had come back to you."

Kelly went quiet, reconsidering before giving a hesitant nod. "Well okay..."

Arachnia smiled at the child before calling to the Dinobots. "Oh boys come on now, theres no need to fight. There's plenty of me to go around."

Grimlock succeeded in subduing his brethren before galloping over to Arachnia excitedly, but skidded to a stop when he noticed little Kelly perched on the techno organics shoulder. "Why does spider lady have teeny human?" He asked in confusion.

The pterodactyl and triceratops pulled themselves off the ground and joined their leader, equally confused to see the human child.

Kelly shrank away nervously but Arachnia only chuckled smoothly. "Oh? This little one? She belongs to me."

Grimlock tilted his helm, bemused. "Teeny human is spider lady's pet?"

Arachnia glared, seemingly offended on Kelly's behalf. "She is not a pet; she is my sparkling. Kelly, say hello."

Kelly peeked out and meekly waved. "H-hello..."

Grimlock leaned in a little too close, sniffing the child. Kelly squeaked in surprise, crawling further into Arachnias neck cabling until her back met flesh. Arachnia smacked Grimlock away, annoyed. "Stop that! You're scaring her."

Grimlock pulled back, snout twitching. "Why you bring teeny human? Dinobots no like teeny humans."

"Well I guess you're just going to have to make an exception now aren't you?" Arachnia retorted. The tone in her voice indicated her slowly wearing thin patience, however with Kelly being so naïve and the Dinobots having only a one tracked processor, no one else noticed.

"But teeny humans are so tiny and dumb. Dinobots only like spider lady not teeny human," Grimlock stated.

"Humans are bad! BAD! Swoop no want humans. No HUMANS!" The pterodactyl screeched.

Grimlock and Swoop both seemed to be screaming in agreement, the only one who was not was the triceratops, Snarl, who stood awkwardly there, unsure what side to pick. Arachnia gritted her denta in agitation. Poor Kelly was becoming increasingly overwhelmed and frightened by all the loud ululations, backing away further even though there was nowhere else to go. She covered her ears and shook her head furiously, looking to be on the verge of tears. "Please, make it STOP!" Kelly pleaded.

Arachnia took notice of this, having a strange sense of déjà vu before realizing why; Kelly's behavior was exactly similar to how she had reacted to the thunderstorms. Loud noises...

Quickly, she took Kelly into her servos, trying to comfort her over the sound of Grimlock and Swoop's protests. The child was now trembling in fear, streaks of water marks trailed behind her tears and she covered her ears even tighter.


Arachnia could take it no longer. "ENOUGH!" She yelled at those two malfunctions, her voice cutting through theirs like a knife, causing them to cease speaking. The ferocity in her voice was so strong that even Kelly jumped in fear. A malicious aura wafted off of Arachnia in waves. "Kelly, I want you to keep walking ahead. Theres a building not far from here. Go inside and wait for me."

Kelly looked uncertainly at the Dinobots.

"Don't you worry about them, I wont let them hurt you," Arachnia assured her, though as she spoke she kept a stern glare on the Dinobots.

Kelly was placed on the ground. Sniffling, she sent one last desolate look to Arachnia before walking on ahead, the Dinobots letting her pass. Arachnia waited awhile after Kelly disappeared into the trees and thick foliage. She sent Kelly away because she did not want the child to witness what she was about to do next. Arachnia lunged at Grimlock, hissing, sinking her pincers on her back into his neck. Grimlock roared in pain. Acquiring his strength, she delivered several well aimed punches before throwing him aside with ease. She turned to the other Dinobots. Swoop and Snarl backed away in fear.

"Listen very, very closely. What I say or tell you, you listen or obey. And I say the sparkling is mine and she's here to stay. You will watch her when I can't and protect her with your lives. If any of you so much as questions my orders..." Arachnia roared, shooting out flames from her throat.

I've been up until 2 am just to get this chapter up. I really hope you guys are satisfied with this new part. As you can see, I will be making a few alterations to the scenes in the show as well as how Arachnia will react to situations given she herself has gone through a personality change. As always, like, comment and follow.

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