Chapter 16

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"Hello little one, are you lost?" Optimus questioned the young child, kneeling to be at better level with her.

He was quite perplexed to see a human on the island and wondered why she was here. She was obviously a sparkling, younger than Sari.

The child backed away apprehensively, not trusting this new bot, but her unease merely lasted a few seconds before she recognized the Prime. "Hey! You're one of those robots I see on T.V!" The child began bouncing up and down with excited glee. Optimus chuckled at the girls enthusiasm, nodding. "That I am."

Bumblebee and Prowl soon made their presence known, the smaller plucky bot pushing pass Optimus to kneel by the girl, getting right up in her face. "Well if you know Optimus then surely you know me," Bumblebee grinned.

"Ah huh! You're that little yellow robot!"

Bumblebee recoiled back comically as if he had been slapped before looking back at the child with the most undignified expression. "LITTLE?! I am not LITTLE! Is that the first thing anyone thinks when they see me-MMFPH?!" Prowl placed a servo on Bumblebee's face, specifically his mouth, and calmly shoved him aside, vexing the smaller bot who was screaming muffled protests.

"I'm sorry but I recall you mentioning earlier that you could keep quiet and yet I still hear talking," Prowl stated making Bumblebee stop his flailing and groan in defeat. Prowl turned to Kelly who was smiling behind her hands. "Sorry about him, he has several malfunctions."

This incited another muffled protest.

Kelly giggled, shaking her head. "I don't know what a malfunky is but he talks funny."

Optimus turned from his teammates back to the girl, smiling warmly. "You still didn't answer my question though, are you lost? What are you doing on this island?"

"Nah I'm not lost; I live here with my momma."

Prowl finally released Bumblebee who unceremoniously fell backwards. "Child it is dangerous on this island, you should not be here and the same goes to your parent."

Kelly stubbornly shook her head. "Nah-uh! Momma isn't afraid of anything and she's super strong! She can fight!"

Optimus raised an optic ridge in disbelief. "Is that so? Then perhaps you could introduce us to her?"

Kelly nodded enthusiastically. "Sure! Momma will love to meet you and we can all play together."

She made to climb down the rock formation but found it difficult so Optimus offered to carry her which the girl happily accepted, hopping onto his outstretched servo. "My name is Kelly," the girl happily introduced herself.

"I'm Optimus, the two behind me are Bumblebee and Prowl."

"I know! Well...kind of?" Kelly smiled sheepishly, 'I remember your name because you always talk and the yellow guy cuz he's loud but...not you," she glanced at Prowl with embarrassment.

"Do not worry child, I am not offended. I do incline to stay out of the spotlight."

Kelly grinned big and nodded.

"Wait...back up! You're telling me the only reason you remember my name is because I'm LOUD?!" Bumblebee exclaimed only to be met with a whack to the helm by Prowl.

The Autobots followed Kelly's directions to where she claimed her and her mother were residing, the child extremely excited to be meeting the hero robots of Detroit.

"Hey so why are you people here?" Kelly asked. She was sitting comfortably on Optimus is shoulder pad.

The three autoboots exchanged anxious glances. Bumblebee hopped to the front; arms spread out with his usual dumb grin. "Wellyouseewereonasecretmissionbecausethisverycreepybadguybrokeoutofprisonandtheoneswhobrokehimoutarethedinobotssowereheretodosomegoodolddetectiveworktocracktheca-OW!"

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