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Welcome everyone!

This is Abstract Concepts: Black Hearts Perception. A slice of life story that I enjoyed writing.

If you've made it this far then I'd like to first and formally thank you. I hope you enjoyed this story and even recommend it to a friend or two. And most importantly, tell me what you think of this story.

When I started writing this story it was suppose to send the message about the theme of suicide. The main character thinks suicide is good at first but then changes when the truth is revealed. The more I wrote the story the more I started liking the characters and suicide only became one of the themes. To make it into this new and improved Abstract Concepts.

On the original story Hanako was suppose to die but I... Couldn't do it. I couldn't do it! And because I couldn't do it the entire plot changed. Changed for the better.

Anyways, I've always wanted to write an afterward. To just write down what I think of the story or just what comes to mind.

If I had to say who my favourite characters had to be, Sajin and Death would definitely be my favourites. I like Sajin because of how hard it is to understand his thought process and I like Death because she always has something to say. I found their conversations the most fun and easiest to write.

A character that I would have like to give more screen time would be Grimm Reaper. In the original idea she was more relevant but in this one she turned into a side character. Sajin did become her Master but he doesn't want the same thing to happen like with Sue. That's why he didn't use her in the last fight.

As a closing message I'd like to thank everyone again. I really, really loved writing this story. I just hope you guys enjoyed the story as well.

And who knows, we might see each other in volume 2(I just need to think of a story for it...).

Until we meet again.

Also, check out my other stories!


Abstract Concepts: Black Heart's PerceptionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant