Chapter One

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BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ my alarm screams at me until I get enough energy to through my arm over to give the snooze button a hard whack.

It's only 5:20, I think to myself, if I sleep for ten more minutes I can still get up in time to curl my hair. And get all cute.

"Okay great idea," I mumble out loud. Making my dog, Thunder, stir from behind me on the bed. I close my eyes


I jolt upright when I hear a loud thud by the side of my bed and Thunder, my bull mastiff, scratching at my door to get let out.

"Get outta here," I tell him as I open the door. I turn by the side of the bed to investigate what fell off the table I saw that my phone had vibrated off. The lock screen informs me that my best friend, Tatum, has been texting me nonstop since 6:40. That was five minutes ago and I have ten minutes to get to school before first bell rings.

Rushing I try to figure out some way to deal with my hair that is curly on one side and straight on the other, due to me sleeping on my side.

"So much for looking cute, time for a messy bun."

Okay now what to wear?

"Yes! t-shirt and leggings!"

I sit down at my vanity to slap on as much makeup I can in the next few minutes. When I get a good look at my reflection I notice how big of an asshat my face is, giving me a HUGE white head and two dark bags under my eyes. Without a second though I decided to pop the beast that creeped its way on my cheek, and red blood starts oozing out.

"SHIT!" I yell wiping my cheek. I quickly dab on concealer under my eyes and brush on mascara, to enhance my favourite asset.

My phone buzzes again and I open it to read the texts from Tatum.

Are you at the school yet?

Dude where are you?

Dean is looking for you.

if you are asleep right now I will personally come to your house and rip you out of bed by your hair<3

did Thunder roll on you and kill you? are you dead? oh no!

i hope the cops don't read these text and assume that I killed you because I said that.

dear cops involved with Mitchie Clay's death. I, Tatum Lancaster, did NOT i repeat DID NOT have anything to do with Mitchie's death.
She was a dear friend and she will be missed.

If you are dead can I have all your stuff.


it's already 6:47

you better talk otherwise I will hunt you down and kill you.

'How do you expect to sound innocent if you keep threatening my life?' I reply as I slip on my chucks.

'She speaks! where are you?'

'Leaving my house now. Why was Dean looking for me?' I type out, closing my front door behind me.

'Idk probably to confess his undying love for you and to ask for your hand in marriage.'

'Haha, but really'

'No he told me so, he already asked your father for his blessing'

I start my car and wait for the a/c to kick in 'Okay well I'm driving now see you in a few'


I pull into the school parking lot 30minutes into first period, and decide to just sit this class out. I pull my phone out of my bag along with the headphones pressing play on the shuffle all.

I pass the next few minutes with the the widely varied melodies of Luke Bryan's "Rain is a Good Thing", Of Mice & Men's "You Make Me Sick", and The Ready Set's "Best Song Ever". Singing along to each one but not well enough to drag attention to me.

Knock Knock I hear on my passenger window. I jump to see the invader of my quiet moment.

"Can you let me in?"

"Dean, what are you doing here?" I ask leaning over unlocking and opening the door for my perfect boyfriend.

Well he's not perfect, nobody is, but he's perfect for me. He has short buzzed black hair and hazel eyes that could cut you in half. He's not awfully taller than me, but its a lot to ask for some one to be taller than my own 5'6" frame.

He sits next to me fiddling his thumbs nervously. For some reason I get all giddy, I know he isn't going to ask me to marry him, but prom is coming up this Saturday.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"What are you listening to," he says pointing at my headphone still dangling out of my ear.

My brows furrow at his question, "umm 'Don't Fear the Reaper', why what's bothering you hun?"

I notice that he makes a face like smelling spoiled milk for a split second before turning to look me in the eyes.

"Mitchie, I'm sorry. But I don't think that I can do this any more."

"Do what? Dean what do you mean?"

"I don't wanna be with you anymore. How much more explaining do you need? No I'm not seeing anyone else, I just don't want to see you anymore!"

My jaw drops. 'You can't be serious right now' or 'what did i do wrong?' is what i want to say but i know i need to play the not worried bitch so I scoff a little and say. "Get out of my car."

He does and I watch him walk to the front entrance where a few of his friends cross paths with him and they greet each other with huge grins and half hugs.

I unlock my phone and send a text to Tatum.

Come out to my car now I'm on the east wing lot... Dean just dumped me...

Almost immediately I get a reply WHAT A DICK! I'll be right there.

I lean my head back to try to wrap my head around what just happened and why. I tune back into my music hearing Calum sing "A good story of a bad day Back to square one where I started As I stand here broken-hearted" from 5SOS's Heartache on the Big Screen.

Or is it Hey?
I know I know bad joke but thanks for reading even though it sucks but like it if you like it. comment on everything that you have the slightest whim of a thought, I also like CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. And sharing is always appreciated.

W/<3 Maribelle

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