Chapter Nineteen

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We sat in silence as Ronnie drove, Tatum sat shotgun, arms crossed. The three other boys rested in the two seats in front of Mikey and I. Side by side we sat, interlocking our fingers. The silence is deafening, and its hard to speak what I need to say.

Mikey brought our hands to his face, and pressed his lips to my hand.

"Don't ever leave," I blurt out in a whisper. I only half mean it I know he has to be with his other fans, but I want him all to myself.

In the dim light I see his brows furrow, and I feel him frown against my skin. He slowly puts our hands back on his lap. "I want to stay with you, you know that."

"I know... I know."

"If I wasn't going on tour I would follow you anywhere," we continue in hushed tones. "And we still need to play your 64."

I try to force a laugh. "I need to stop being so selfish, I'm sorry. You are already who you are meant to be. And I'm just some kid, dragging you away from what you love."

"Mitchie you are-" he is cut short by Ronnie slamming on the brakes at the entrance of the airport.

"Everyone out!" Ronnie yells before hopping out himself, to unload all the luggage.

We comply without arguing. Walking in I notice the lack of bags.

"Where are all your instruments?" I ask.

"They were shipped out, along with our bus." Mikey and I stay back as everyone checks in the luggage. "That's why we stayed. Had to wait until the bus made it the Europe."

"Wow your going all the way to Europe. That's like another world, for me at least."

"We are going to Greenland, Iceland and a few other places before we actually get to have our bus back. But yeah it's far."

"When will you come back to the states?" I choke on the last word as the lump in my throat appears.

"Um. I'm not sure."

"Will I ever be able to see you again?" we make our way to the terminal, before they check in.

"We will text," he promises. "And call, and FaceTime."

"I know I want to. But when will I see you again? Will I ever see you again?"

"Mitchie," he breaths my name. "I'm not sure of anything anymore. I didn't have to worry about coming back to the states before but you had to come and mess up my whole way for thinking."

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"You don't need to be sorry, I never want you to hurt from something that I do. But I need you by my side right now. I don't know what tomorrow brings but all I know is you won't be by my side." His voice catches. "And I need you there."


"No shut up," tears start to stream down his cheeks. "I don't know if you speak one more word if I'll be able to leave. So Mitchie just know that I care about you too much, and I am so happy you were alone on the street that night and I'm happy you're bag was stolen because if those little things never happened I would have never met the most amazing, beautiful girl in the world. And she would have never changed mine. So I don't know when I will see you again, but I know that I will see you again and I will never stop thinking about you." He takes my face in both hands and kisses me. A long kiss. We can barely breath and I long to find a room to be alone with him in.

"Mikey.... We gotta go," Ashton says from the other end of the security check.

We pull apart from each other. His face is red, and splotchy, soaked with tears. And I know mine must look the same way, as hot tears roll down my cheek.

"Goodbye Mikey," I say looking down, taking his hand in mine to see our tattoos together, where they are meant to be, one last time.

He pulls his hand away from mine. "Goodbye Mitchie."

I stay to watch him go through the security checks. He walks away and before turning a corner he waves one last time to me before disappearing forever.


"I'm sorry sweetie," Tatum says next to me in the cab back to our hotel, I'll never see the one I stayed in with the boys again.

"You're fine," I barely manage to choke out the words. It wasn't her fault, with out her eating something rotten out of my bag, I would have never been forced to stay on the street and meet... them. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't of had the best days of my life.

The cab pulls up to the hotel, the name of it is so obvious, how could I not of remembered it. I step out and let Tatum lead me to our room. Once the door is open I walk over and hide myself under the sheets. This blanket smells of cigarette smoke and moth balls, the mattress is hard. It has to be smaller then the one I shared with Mikey, but this one seems too large. My eyes start to sting again.

I feel a weight coming on the bed from behind me. Two arms wrap around me. "I'm so so so sorry."

I hold the hand that is over my side. "Tatum I already said its fine, so can I please just sleep so we can get up early tomorrow and go home?"

"Yes we can sleep but I won't leave you alone," she smells strongly of Luke.


I updated early!!!

I'm so sorry guys but it had to happen. I'm sorry.

Just one quick question, did you cry? I hope so.

I really do love you guys and I cried a little when I updated last week cause the week before I only had about 24 views and last week you guys... double quadrupled it.
No octupled.

follow me on twitter @YDGbullets

Don't be a ghost reader.

W/❤ Marib3lle

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