Chapter Fourteen

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"Fuck you," I mumble to the sun, through squinted eyes. the light gives me a headache. I turn over to cuddle into Michael's chest. I up to see a light shine of sweat on his neck and forehead. For an odd reason, the sweat of a teenage guy doesn't smell awful, on him, and I'm half tempted to lick the moisture off of him. I don't want to put in the effort of moving closer to his neck (and risk looking like a creep), so I settle on pressing my lips to the middle of his chest, where it hollows slightly.

Suddenly I feel my stomach hitch and turn. I tumble out of bed, trying to run to the bathroom. I barely reach the bathroom in time before my head is in the toilet and my body rejects everything I have put into it for the last 24 hours. The smell alone makes me feel as if I'm going to puke again. I flush the toilet, and start the shower running on pure cold water.

I sit in the tub, letting the cold water run over me trying to recover from the hangover.

A small knock comes from the door, but it sounds as if a building is collapsing. "Mitchie... can I come in." Michael murmurs.

"Yeah." I manage to croak out.

The door opens, I can hear the slap of bare feet on the tile, and the door closes again. He walks to the toilet and plops down. I can't see anything that is going on past the thick white curtain.

'Oh please don't take a shit' I think.

"I just need to piss," he reassures me. "But I'm not sure if I can stand for long."

"Okay. Thanks for warning me." Just talking makes my head pound.

"Last night was fun, right."

I nod. "Did the others make it in?"

"Yeah, Ash is passed out outside his bedroom door."

I smile at the image.

I hear the toilet flush, followed by the door opening and closing again.

I poke my head out from behind the curtain to see if he really left. He did. I tilt my head back so the water pours into my mouth. I gargle around the water a bit, then spit it out. I turn off the water and crawl out of the tub. I dry myself, taking my time to put on my bra and underwear. There lies a dull grey long sleeve sweater on the counter, folded neatly. I pull it on. It covers me to mid thigh, and is about four inches too long on my arms, but its perfect. The fabric is so well worn, and soft, it feels like I'm wearing nothing; the swearer smells like Michael too, the mix of his deodorant and sweet sweat, giving me the gentile reminder of where I am and who I am with.

I reach for the handle but am stopped when I hear Michael's still groggy voice, talking in hushed tones.

"It's just weird, I met her less than 35 hours ago, but I still feel..." his voice trails off. "I don't know."

"Well how do you feel about us leaving tonight?" Luke's voice asks.

'No aren't they leaving saturday?' I feel a lump grow in my throat.

"It doesn't feel right, ya know? I want her to come with us so bad. But she can't leave the country with out her parents consent since she's still a minor. And it sucks to think I only have 14 more hours with her cause I need more. I need to know if she feels this way too, and if she is graduated or if she's dropped out, what she wants to be when she grows up. I want to know the colour her baby blue eyes turn in the winter, and the different shades they will go when she's angry, sad, happy, and all the emotions in between. I want to know her worst nightmare. And why her ex and her separated. Hell I need to know her last name."

I feel the lump grow bigger.

"Mikey.." Luke says with a sigh. "You're in deep."

"I know. And the only things I know about her is she is freakishly beautiful, ridiculously funny, she blushes a lot, which is adorable. I love the way her voice sounds before she falls asleep and when she wakes up. She is kick ass at Mario Kart. She leaves out the 't' in mountain, but she adds one at the end of 'across'. She says 'crayon' like 'cran', 'wanted' like 'wan-ed'. And she leaves off the 'g' at the end of words that clearly have one." Mikey sighs. "But most of all I love the way she looks in my clothes."

My heart seems to leap in my chest and I try to remind myself how to breathe. I step out of the bathroom, but I don't want them to think I heard. So I walk to the sink and put some toothpaste on my finger, and try to wash away the smell of vomit.

"Morning Mitchie," Luke says.

"Morning Luke, how are you this fine day?"

"Better than Cal or Ash." He says as they both walk into the kitchen, looking like shit.

Michael wraps both arms around my waist and hugs me. I start running my fingers through his hair without thinking.

I notice Luke staring at Michael with a small grin on his face, that I probably wouldn't have noticed if I didn't hear their conversation.

Michael stands, "lets cuddle." He pulls me into the bedroom and falls into the bed. I crawl up besides him, and he positions me where he pleases. He rests his head on my chest and I start playing with his hair again. He lets out a deep, pleased moan, as he pulls me tighter in his embrace.

"My last name is Clay." I spit out. "And my first name is Michelle, but I prefer Mitchie, I hate my middle name so I will not tell you what it is. I turn 18 next Tuesday on the 13th I was born and raised in Safford and the only crush, boyfriend, and love I had my whole life was Dean Singer. I don't know why he dumped me, but it happened Monday, after being together three and a half years. Tomorrow is my senior prom and I will not be going. I am an only child to the worlds strictest dad and most erratic mom. I am graduating in two weeks, but I don't know what I want to do, either become a teacher or get my MBA. I have a bull mastiff and his name is Thunder. My best friends name is Tatum. I don't know why I'm a vegetarian but its the only thing I'm passionate about. Besides music, I love all types of music. I start university this fall at a school in Tuscan. I hate sports. My worst nightmare is that I'll wake up and nobody will remember who I am. My favourite animal is a giraffe. I am allergic to cats, but I want one with my whole being. I have a pet rock that I got when I was 12, and I named him Punk. Bows are my secret obsession, I think I have about 70. Umm...." I try to think of more to say.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked confused, but a smile clear on his face.

"I'm trying to tell you about me. So you know everything about me." I pause, inhaling deeply. "I heard you talking to Luke."

He lifts my hand that isn't playing with his hair and holds it in the air.

"I love you're 'X' tattoo." I whisper.

"How about we get you one to match?"

"What no I'm not old enough."

"That's no problem."

"I don think I could pull off the 'x' on my middle finger."

"I don't want you to get an 'X' I want you to get an 'O'."


"Because it means hugs and kisses."

"Yeah I got that part, but why do you want me to get one?"

He holds up our hands. "cause I never had another hand fit in mine the way yours does, and I think it would look so great right there." He places his lips on my left middle finger.

"Okay," I whisper.

"Okay," he yawns pulling my hand against his chest.


Ahhhhhh can we just take a minute an talk about how cute they are!!! how did you like me throwing in a bit of TFIOS?

And follow me on twitter @YDGbullets

Don't be a ghost reader.

W/❤ Marib3lle

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