Chapter Four

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I could hardly sleep that night again it was crazy to think that this time tomorrow I would be done with the concert and would have just seen the best band preform live. I can sleep when I get done with that.


Tatum and I got to the venue to be within the first 50 people in line. I wasn't even bothered to do anything but leave my long, dark hair to drape itself anywhere it pleased until it ended at mid back. At least Tatum put her golden blond hair in a high pony.

"Only 12 more hours and we get to go inside," I hear a 13 year old girl say in front of us to her friend next to her.

The cool morning air nipped at my skin, "you would think that since its May, in Phoenix, it wouldn't be so cold." I could see my breath as I spoke.

"Right. who let you pack for me." Tatum replied.

I look down at my boots, short shorts, and loosely fitting 5SOS tank top with a thin piece of fabric covering only around my bust. "Who let me pack for myself, god, where's my mom to tell me I need a jacket before I leave, when I need her?"

Tate let out a little laugh. "What food do you got in your bag?"


6:20 rolled around and the line now stretched around the corner and down a few blocks. We were meant to be let in at 6 now every minute that passes seems like centuries.

"Okay guys," a mans voice rang from the front of the line. "just a little longer."

A big black van pulled up to the front. I clicked the lock button and saw my screen saver of dean and I kissing. I need to change that. The door swung open on the van and I start clicking the button to snap the picture. Ashton stepped out first waving at everyone showing a full dimpled smile.

"He's so cute!" I yell to Tate over the screams of tween girls.

Next was Michael and it was older girls screaming now. He waved at the crowd then fidgeted with his hair. Then Calum stepped out gave a quick wave then ran inside. Last was Luke and everyone screamed louder.

"He's so perfect!" Tatum screamed "Luke I love you!!!"

He looked in our direction giving a genuine looking smile saying "I love you too," then he blew a kiss.

"OH!!! GOD!!!!" Tatum freaked out switching between jumping up and down and yanking on my arm as I try to get a clear shot of him.

About ten minutes after 5SOS went in the venue finally let people in my tickets we for floor GA and I ran in right after getting my ticket scanned. There were a few other people waiting by the barricade and others hanging back by the bar. I ran to the barricade, wrapping my arms around the bars. Tatum was soon by my side.


About a half hour later the lights dimmed down causing my excitement to get higher. Screams start up and I join in.

The crowed started chanting "5SOS! 5SOS!"

I pull out my phone and see the lock screen is still dean, i should change that. I turn on the camera and wait. The boys walked out. Michael first then all the other boys all at once, and I start clicking as fast as I could.

"Hi Phoenix!!!" Luke says in the mic.

Oh so it's 'hi', I think.

We all reply in a scream.

"What was that?" Calum asked.

"I don't know, I said 'HELLO PHOENIX!!!" Luke yells.

We all scream louder. But technically he said 'hi Phoenix' first.

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