Chapter Eleven

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We played for hours, doing every track about three times, and I won every 3/4. Only losing when the boys teamed up on me, or started the race when I was getting everyone drinks.

"I don't wanna play video games all night," Ashton complained.

"Ashton's right," Luke added. "I wanna get a drink!"

"Yeah we should go!" Ashton yelled. Probably disappointed that he lost every race.

"I'm can I shower first?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah," Michael says siting up "we should all get ready, then we can go to the club."

I don't want to tell them that their oldest member still couldn't get into a club here. So I just quickly run into my room to grab my phone and tuck it into the waistband of my shorts, making sure its completely hidden before walking across the hotel to the only bathroom.

I step into the cold white room and pull out my phone quickly turning it on, and placing it on the charger that, thankfully, was still in there.

It turns out Tatum got bored and left me 57 messages. Not being mad at me but mainly how she is spending my money, and how she is bored, and, wow, she ate 16 oysters, and how she puked up those oysters.

One from my mom saying 'hi honey, I hope you're having a good time we love you 🏢🌆🎤🎶🚗😚.' Seriously my mom uses more emojis than I do.

To my surprise I got a messages from Dean, of all people, 'hey I saw you weren't in school the last few days, I just wanted to know if you were alright.' ' I miss you....'

What! How dare he say he misses me??!? What? no!

"Mitchie? are you okay?" I hear Michael's voice pulling me away from my phone, instantly calming me.

"Yeah," I say covering my phone with a towel. "Sorry I'm just taking my time."

"No you're fine, take all the time you need."

I let the water pour on me hotter than usual, it feels to nice to get all this grim off my skin, mainly from the concert and all the sweaty body's I came into contact with that night. I'm thankful when I reach for the shampoo and find the same product I use. When I start to wash the rest of my body I get disappointed to feel my leg hair start to stubble, even though I shaved the last time I showered. It must of been the cold that I faced in my short shorts that jump started its growth.

I step out feeling completely renewed, and human again. After drying off and towel drying my hair I pull on my shorts and put my bra on. Suddenly I feel unsure, if just a shower made me feel different maybe I'm not really with the boys.

I poke my head out of the door and look around, nothing. "Mikey?" I call out, but I get nothing once again. I wrap my arms around my stomach and venture out of the bathroom. Feeling a bit anxious.

Michael comes around the corner, coming into full contact with my body. "You're wet," he says holding my shoulders.

"Uhuh," I say trying to cover up more. "and kinda in need of a shirt."

Looking down, eyes going wide. "Oh" he pushes away to be at arms distance, still holding my shoulders. "Um... I will go get you a shirt."

He leaves me and I retreat back into the bathroom.

My phone starts to vibrate with a text from Tatum. 'Will you please tell me where you are?'


'Michelle! you don't text me for almost 20 hours and all you tell me is that you're with some boys! I'm telling!'

'No Tate I'm with THE boys. And I kissed one, ON THE LIPS'

5 Seconds of Paradise ( 5 Seconds Of Summer )Where stories live. Discover now