Chapter Eight

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We ate breakfast as the boys cracked more jokes, then Luke, Ashton and Calum got dressed and left. Leaving Michael and I alone in the hotel.

"So Mitchie since you obviously aren't from Phoenix where are you from?" the boy says plopping down on the couch next to me.

"This really small town far away. It's called Safford." I say shifting nervously.

"Oh." He says looking in my eyes and I feel frozen in his gaze. The moment is broken by his cell going off.

"What Ashton?" Michael growls into the phone. I hear muffled talking on the other side, I can't make it out, but i hardly can when Ashton is in person. "What?.. That long? I thought we were going to fly out of LA.... okay whatever." He hangs up.

"Should I ask," I question.

"Oh it was just ash saying we won't be leaving until Saturday. Our manager just changed our plans."

"Oh." I say not knowing if its good or bad.

"Yeah so why don't we get ahold of your family. And tell em what happened."

"Okay," I say.

Michael hands me his phone.

"I don't know my parents phone by heart, would you be okay with me using Facebook?"

"Not at all go ahead." He says starting up the game he has been playing.

I get a message to Tatum 'okay so today you will be all on your own go ahead and use my card for anything you need go shopping I don't care I'll have you come to me tomorrow.'

She messages back almost immediately. 'Mitchie where are you??"

'I'll explain later, trust me you won't be upset.' I log off and hand the phone back to Michael.

"What did you find out?" he asks.

"Um," I think quickly. "My parents have work all the time so my friend will be coming up to get me after school tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Oh cool. Absolutely"

I look to the screen of the video game he was playing. " Are you really playing Mario Kart?"

"Hey don't hate."

"I'm not, I love this game."

"Ohh yes!" he gets up and hands me the extra controller. "Finally someone new to play with me."

///a.n. don't take that sexually please.\\\

He puts us on the highest difficulty and then goes to the character select. I chose Toad.

"No! toad is mine!" he whines.

"Oh well, I got him first."

He sticks his tongue at me. Then picks Peach without another word. "What road do you want?"

I look at him with a 'really' look on my face.

His eyes go wide and covers his mouth. "Do I have something on my face??" he says slightly panicked.


"Then what?"

"Nothing. I don't know what road, I only have it on the 64"

"What!" he looks at me with his jaw dropped. "You have a Nintendo 64?"

"And the Super Nintendo."

"That's it I have to go to your house and play with you."

I laugh a little "okay I will hold you to that."

We play the first race and I lose, by a lot. "Wow.. you're shit."

"Hey this way is new to me"

"Okay if you can win the next round I will kiss you."

Shock over took me, "okay you're on."

We play the next round and I get more of a hang of this game. We are nearing the finish line Michael in first, followed by me. He was a bit ahead when I shot my final blue shell. it hit him sending his character flying in the air, being knocked into 8th place.

"I feel like I was just hustled." he states dropping his controller.

"No I'm just good at what I do."

"Does that involve hustling?"

I shrug a little.

"Well I guess I own you."

"Yeah," I lean in expecting a small peck, but once his plump red lips collide with mine they can't stop. It feels so good his large hands are on me one on my face the other on my hips.

I tease his lips with the tip of my tongue. Both his hands go to my thighs inching up the hem of his I was wearing. His long fingers curl around waistband of the shorts pulling them down.

My hands nervously reach for the bottom of his shirt an pull it up over his head. He then does the same to mine. We take a moment to appreciate each others bare skin in only our underwear. Finally someone who wasn't unnaturally tan, actually he was beautifully pale.

"You're beautiful," he says, but any guy in this situation would. It's not because he means it.

I run my hands up his smooth stomach and chest, it's weird he's so thin the way he eats. My hand goes behind his neck and I pull him down to me. Sliding our bodies down so we lay on the couch, him on me we continue kissing. His cold fingertips rest on my bare sides, sending goosebumps all over my body.

There is a knock at the door, but we ignore it. We hear it again and louder.

Michael groans as he gets up and walks to the door. He grumbles "Remember your damn key."

I get up and run to my room grabbing a random shirt on the way. I bring my phone out of my bra and hide it in my shoe. I put on the flannel shirt not bothering to button it up.

I hear Michael send the person away and close the door I walk back into the living room. It must not be one of the boys, so I feel free to leave my room.

When he sees me his eyes go wide. I look down and notice that there is a white X on the front pocket which means no doubt that 'IDIOT' is written across the back. And the way the shirt hangs open exposing the black lace matching bra and panties.

"Oh..." I say softly. "Sorry Michael.'

"For what?"

"I dont know. Who was at the door."

"the cleaning lady," he says pulling me back to the couch and turning on Netflix. "Lets just watch a movie."

He hold me close to him as we start scrolling through the horror movies.

"Oh by the way," he whispers into the crock of my neck. "You can call me Mikey."


Ahhhhhh Mitchie and Mikey!!!!!
Ship... So what do you think??
This is my Christmas gift to you because ily.
This was kind of a fun chapter anyway, comment, vote, share ❤
And follow me on twitter @YDGbullets
See you guys next week ❤
W/<3 Maribelle

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