Chapter Twenty

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The drive home was long and full of silence. The last hour I had to make it seem like I haven't been crying, I ran out of tears long before we even got on the road.

My house is quiet when I first walk inside. It's already 11:00 a.m. my parents should be awake.

"Hello?" I call up the stairs.

"Mitchie?" my mom asks walking from the kitchen. She sees me and takes me into her arms. "How was the show?"

"Great, " I hug her back. "It was the most magical thing I ever experienced." I don't know if I'm just talking about the show anymore.

"You have to tell me everything about it!"

"Sorry but I'm just so tired. Can I just go to my room?"

"Of course but I expect to hear about everything."

I give a weak smile then walk up to my room. Closing the door behind me I finally power on my phone.

The apple lights up, until finally showing Dean and I kissing. I scream at the image, how come I never changed this earlier? its only a few simple steps: settings, wallpaper, and a simple picture of the night sky will do.

A notification pops up from a unknown number. I click onto it to see what it was, but it was a terrible mistake. Four photos are from his end. The top one is of him and I, me doing my signature selfie face, and him with that goofy grin I love.

With the first one it say, 'this one is really good :)'

The next one was Michael sticking his tongue out, eyes squinted, giving a peace sign. Me next to him going cross eyed, and letting the tip of my tongue poke out from between my lips. 'This ones super cute.'

The third one is a picture of us kissing, I have a smile on my face and his eyebrows are furrowed. And the fourth had only our foreheads touching, my eyes were closed and I was biting my bottom lip. But Michael had his eyes open, he was looking at my eyes, his eyes so full of... of something I have never seen before.

'But I can't decide which one of these I like more.' Was the last text.

Uncontrollably I cry again. The exhaustion from crying and just everything puts me to sleep.


I wake up to my phone vibrating under my face. The time reads 4:30, sliding open the lock screen there is a new text from Michael. It had a picture of a sunset, the lights of a city were so bright and in the distance there was a faint view of the ocean.

'A Nuuk sunset' was the text that came with it.

'It's beautiful, what's a Nuuk?' I reply

'Its the city we're in now, its in Greenland. But it's not as beautiful as you'

'That was so cheesy'

'I know I'm proud of it ;)'


'I miss you...'

'I miss you too'


My imaginary view of Michael Clifford will be the death of me.

follow me on twitter @YDGbullets

Don't be a ghost reader.

W/❤ Marib3lle

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