Chapter Sixteen

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We go back to the hotel and cuddle. He lays flat on his back, and I curl myself against him, laying my head on his chest. Slowly I trace small circles on his chest with my newly tattooed finger, as he runs his fingers lightly up and down my bare back.

I hear a hum coming from deep in his chest. He starts to sing, "You and I, two of a mind." I know exactly what song his singing. "This love's, one of a kind. You and I. We're drifting, over the edge. And I will fall for you. If I fall for you, would you fall too?"

He pauses, so I figure its my turn. "You and I. Learning to speak, with kisses on cheeks"

I look up to him and he kisses my forehead, causing me to squirm.

He starts singing again while laughing at me. "You and I. We're lifted, over the edge."

We sing together, 'And I will fall for you. If I fall for you. Would you fall too?"

"Michael! you dumb ass!" Luke barges in holding a white iPhone. I instantly get nervous, how does Luke have my phone.

"What did I do now?" Mikey asks pulling the blanket over me, to cover over up to my shoulders.

Luke hands Mikey the phone. "I was on my twitter and apparently some girls saw you two with a girl at a tattoo shop."

"That could be anyone." Mikey protests, and it really could have been all the picture showed was a lanky guy bending over, it only shown the lower back and legs.

Luke scrolled to the next picture. "Could it really?" this picture was a bit harder to deny. It was undeniably Mikey walking out of the parlour, showing his fake limp. "Now 'MikeysNaughtyTattoo' is trending."

Mikey laughs, "that's what I wanted to happen."

"What about 'MichaelsSecretGirlfriend'?"

"What?" Michael and I ask, in unison, Michael sitting up.

Luke turns the phone around again showing a dark, blurry picture of me walking out the back, him coming out the front, then a dark picture of us kissing in the car.

"Shit," I sit up, taking the blanket with me.

"Did you guys just fuck?" Luke asks.

"No," we both say.

"Okay, well I'm going to leave you two alone." Luke steps out slowly.

"I am so sorry," Mikey says sitting up rubbing my back.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault." I look to the clock. 6:20. "Can you get me your phone so I can tell my friend where I am. She should be in the city now."

"Yeah sure," he gets up and walks out of the room. I quickly jump to the nightstand and pull out my phone, and hide it in the folds of the sheet. I walk out, running into Mikey right as I open the door. "Here you are," he hands me his phone.

"Thanks," I say kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you want to leave the sheet?"

I look down. "No."

He scoffs. "Okay, what ever you want." He kisses my head.

I walk into the bathroom and check my phone. It's already on, I must of forgot to turn it off. I slide open the lock screen and it goes automatically to Tatum's texts. She sent a photo, the one of Mikey and I in the car kissing.

'So much for you being with him huh. Time to tell the truth.' 'Wait.' 'OHMYGOD!!! MITCHIE THAT'S YOU!! YOU'RE KISSING MICHAEL!! HOLY SHIT BALLS ON FIRE! YOU AND MICHAEL ARE TOGETHER!!'

I can't help but laugh at her texts. I type out her number in Mikey's phone and press send.

I walk back out of the bathroom when I hear the phone start to ring. I place my phone back in my boot, which I trust more. The phone continues to ring. I drop my sheet and put back on Mikey's sweater.

"Hey this is Tatum, I can't get to my phone right now. Ha what am I talking about, I always have my phone on me. I just don't want to talk to you." Her voice mail says.

I hang up and try again.

"Any luck?" Mikey asks as I walk out of the room.

"Not yet but she'll answer," I smile to him. "Where are the boys?"

"I'm not sure," he steps behind me trailing his fingertips up the skin of my neck, causing goosebumps to rise. "But what I am sure of is we can entertain ourselves with out them," he places a long, slow kiss on the skin he just touched.

I hum into his touch.

"Oh please don't let me interrupt, who the hell are you?" I hear over the phone.

"Oh my god Tate!!" I scream embarrassed.

Michael laughs walking away from me.

"Mitchie?!" Is that you? where the hell are you? Wait was that Michael Clifford? Your secret lovah?"

"Are you in the city yet."

"Of course I'm in the city dumb ass where are you."

I send her my location on the phones GPS. "Tatum, I'm good, come to the 10th floor and I'll explain everything."

Michael comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes." Tatum yells into the phone. "I'm running. I love you and I'll give you more time with that sexy piece of man meat. Bye!"

I hang up and lean back into Michael. "Did I just hear 'sexy piece of man meat'?".

"No I don't know what you mean." I say looking up to him.

"So how much time do we have?"

"15 minutes, she is always late."

"Sounds great."

I hold up is phone, the camera on, pointing at us.

"Awe look at that cute girl," Mikey says pointing to my face in the camera.

"Will you take selfies with me?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I want to take pictures with you." He picks me up, bridal style, and takes me to our bed.

We take a ton of pictures, from cute, to ugly, and even some of us just kissing. It's weird how well we mesh together, I know exactly how he feels. Saving my number in his phone.

"I expect you to send me the good ones," I say assigning the cute smile one as my contact icon.

"So now we can text when I'm gone," Mikey says.

It hurts to think that today is all we have together. It's already 6:30 and he will be leaving tonight, in six hours. Then the Mikey I've come to know will be gone. My chest feels tight and it hurts to breathe.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of brought that up," he sighs.

"No, it's not your fault. I know it's going to happen I shouldn't act like it won't."

His phone starts ringing, "hello?" he hands it to me. "It's for you."

"Hey Tatum," I say.

"I just entered the building, get your ass descent. And come meet me on ten."


Really long filler sorry.

follow me on twitter @YDGbullets

Don't be a ghost reader.

W/❤ Marib3lle

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