Chapter Fifteen

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I try not to show the pain I am feeling, the loud buzzing makes the stinging traveling up my arm feel worse. I'm sure if I couldn't hear anything it wouldn't hurt as much.

"Its okay," Michael says holding my right hand in both of his. My left hand being preoccupied. "You're doing great."

"I can't believe you talked me into this," I say biting my bottom lip.

"I know it hurts, but it will be worth it. I promise."

"Ow!" I let slip out in a quiet moan.

"Shhhhh," Michael runs his left hand over my hair and kisses my forehead.

I sit reclined in the big, red, leather chair at the tattoo parlour two miles away from the hotel. We got the cubical the furthest from the front of the parlour, which consisted of a glass wall, and two glass doors.

Just after we finished the sketch of the small 'O' the store front was lined with tween girls. There were probably more girls outside now than the total of girls in my graduating class.

The large artist with a long blond beard pulls away, "okay sweetheart you're done."

He wraps my finger in adhesive plastic wrap labeled 'Saniderm'. Then starts to clean up his station.

Michael gets up to stand on the other side of my chair. He takes my hand in his so the 'X' and 'O' lined up, and takes a picture. His 'X' has always be ridged with straight lines, but my 'O' compliments the 'X' perfectly, with its delicate, feminine edges, but it isn't just a circle, it's the missing piece to Michaels half.

"Told you it's great," he smiles blowing gently on the red skin.

"Oh my god my parents are never going to let me out of their site again.. Oh shit Tatum is going to kill me!" my nerves are killing me and I don't know if I'm shaking or it's just my body reacting to the needle stoping.

Michael kisses me hard on the lips. "I need to meet this Tatum. She sounds great."

"Oh shit, she's not going to kill me, she will kill you."

"You just new to keep it covered til next week. We need to get you some gloves."

I laugh kissing him again.

"So Ronnie is waiting outside still, for you all we need is sneak you out the back and wait for me to go out the front."

"Why do you need to go out the front?"

"So nobody follows you to the car. Unless you want to come out the front with me."

I grab the small mirror to see how crowded the front was. I quickly shake my head not wanting to deal with all those girls, and the hate I will receive on social media.

"Okay, so how are we going to get you out of here?" Michael thinks out loud looking around.

"We can bring that big mirror over here," the artist says. "And she can walk behind it to go out the back."

"You are a genius!" Michael yells. "So we are going to act like I'm the one who got the tattoo. And they will never see this mysterious tattoo so I'll act like I'm still sore."

The man brings over the mirror over. It's about seven feet tall and three feet wide.

"Okay I'll see you in a bit," Mikey kisses me hurried one last time.

"Missing you already," I tease.

The guy walks facing the mirror to himself as I keep pace behind it, when he passes the back hall I turn, and walk out the back door.

Ronnie is waiting for me as we walk out. "Come on we have to hurry." And I get pulled to the SUV. I climb in the backseat, protected by the black tinted windows to make sure nobody sees me.

Ronnie walks around to the front an comes back with Mikey with him. Mikey is walking with a slight limp towards the car. Followed by a couple of girls holding on to him. Seeing those girls make me angry.

"Hey," Mikey says climbing into the seat next to me, closing the door and kissing me.

"Hi," my irritation is clear in my voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Those girls are fucking parasites."

His brows furrow together, causing a crease to appear. "What do you mean?"

"Those girls. You are a human being, they should realise no matter how famous someone is, they can't just follow you. If they did that to someone non-famous they could go to prison."

"They're my fans."

"And I understand that, but if I saw you in a tattoo parlour I wouldn't just stand out there until you were done. Wait, yeah I would. But I would just try to say hi and hope you would reply, I would be happy with just that. But those girls who hold onto you as you try to get some where is ridiculous, maybe if you offered to hug them. Ugh"

"Are you getting jealous?"

"No," I sigh, for some reason my face starts to burn.

"Yeah you are, that's why you're blushing."

"I'm not blushing." I look down, so my hair covers my face.

He grabs my hand, that is still swollen from the needle stabbing me a million time.

"There is no need to be jealous." He kisses my finger. "I wouldn't want anyone else to have this tattoo."

Bruh they are so cute!!

follow me on twitter @YDGbullets

Don't be a ghost reader.

W/❤ Marib3lle

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