Chapter Ten

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I hear the boys laughing together outside the thin walls and as I assume Mikey and Luke started fighting over who got what out of the bag.

I pull on my shorts and tuck the ends of the flannel shirt in, I roll up the sleeves and finally bother myself to button up the oversize top.

I walk out of the room to stand by Calum and Ashton as they watch Mikey and Luke roll around on the floor, by what it looks like they are both trying to put the other in a head lock.

"What are they fighting over?" I ask.

"Who gets to drink the last of the sweet and sour sauce," Calum and Ashton say in unison.

"Ew," I say.

"It's always mine," Mikey grunts.

"Exactly! that's why I should get it!" Luke protests finally getting the upper hand, sitting on Mikey's belly.

I watch as Calum splits up the plates serving everyone an equal share of everything, but leaving the meat off mine.

Michael does some weird thing with his legs, looping them around Luke's arms, pulling him to the ground, hard. "Come on pretty boy just let me have the sauce."

Ashton grabs the take out box with the sweet and sour pork and pours the excess sauce onto his and Calum's plates. Ash offers me some
but I decline.

"How long have you guys been doing this?" I whisper to Ash.

"When was the first time we played in Sydney?" Ash asks Mikey and Luke.

The two stop momentarily to look at Ashton, " I don't know about two months after you joined." Luke says, somehow now trapped on his belly with Mikey deadweighting on his back.

"Okay, about then." Ash smiles turning back to me.

"We think its better to split it," Calum adds. "No one man can have that much of a combination of sweet and sour."

Ashton laughs the old man laugh, "yeah, but we leave some so the winner doesn't know better."

"That's why Luke is so skinny, he never gets any."

"Okay Mikey!! you can have the stupid sauce! it's not worth it!" Luke yells as if to prove the point.

"Don't fuck with me Hemmings," Mikey says getting up and helping Luke up. "I always get what I want." He gives me a little wink.

Who the fuck winks?

Mikey grabs the box and tilts its to him, "yes there is a ton in here! I love Phoenix!".

"So does this mean that you can share a little?" Luke asks.

Mikey gives a look as if Luke peed in his mothers foot, on her birthday.

"Nevermind I asked geez."

"So how long are we having a live in cutie." Ashton asks.

I look to Michael wanting him to say, not just inviting myself here, but his face was not helpful. There was a bit of red sauce at the corners of his mouth, and his eyebrows furrowed, glaring at ash.

"Um my friend is coming tomorrow after school to get me out of your hair. If you are okay with me staying one more night." I say.

"Well d-" Calum starts.

"Well nothing, she's fine here, no questions asked, its not like any of you are being kicked out of your room." Mikey cuts in. The way he said 'kicked out' stung a little.

"I was saying well duh, I invited her to stay with us."

"Okay." Michael grumbles.

"So what did you two do when we were gone?" Ashton asks trying to lighten the mood.

I feel my face go instantly red, and my ears begin to burn.

"Oh God!" Michael starts. "this girl is so good, at Mario kart."

"What really?" Luke asks finally done pouting.

"Yeah, she almost beat me."

"Wait," I cut in. "I did beat you."

"Shhh," Mikey pleads tapping his long, index finger on his lips.

His red plump lips, that I have dreamt about for years, that sometimes, when kissing Dean, I imagined were his.. HOLY SHIT!! I KISSED THOSE LIPS!!! I go red again at my inner monologue.

"Are you okay?" Calum asks.

"Peachy," I say covering my face.

"More like cherry." Ashton says.

We all look at him taking his words wrong.

Ashton's eye go wide, "no no no I didn't mean it like that. I wasn't calling you a virgin... and I didn't just mean that you aren't a virgin, it's not like I am or care if you are or not. Is it warm in here? okay how about we just stop talking about that." He gestures over my crouch.

"Sounds good," I say.

"So Mario Kart." Luke changes the subject. "You really beat Mikey?"

I nod cheerfully, apparently that was a major achievement.

"No she didn't! I promise I have never lost to anyone before!" Michael shouted.

"Well how about we all just play and see who wins." Calum suggests.

"Brilliant idea," I say, standing up from my stool.

"Nooooo!" Michael yells.

"Come on Clifford! if she didn't beat you what is there to be afraid of." Luke asks turning on the console.

"Fine," he grumbles standing up following Calum and I to the sitting area.

"I meant to say rosy, cause you didn't look like a peach you looked like the colour of a rose." Ashton spoke looking down at his food.

"It's okay Ash, come sit down." I say patting the seat next to me.

Michael quickly grabbed two controllers running over, plopping down on the cushion next to me handing me one. He gives me a quirky smile "is this seat taken?"

"I guess now it is."

The character selection comes up, Luke picks first settling on Mario, and Calum picks Luigi.

"Can I pleeeease have toad?" I whisper into Mikey's ear. I give my best attempt at puppy dog eyes. wait, can I give puppy dog eyes? We only made out, but kissing me is a gift, but he is Michael Clifford and he is letting me stay in his hotel. No! no more puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," he exhales.

Oh wait it worked? Hell yeah. I wiggle a little "thanks."

Michael picks peach again.

"Wait," Ashton whines. "Now who will I be?"

"Ash you don't always have to be Peach. So stop pouting and come sit." Luke says.

Ashton settled with Donkey Kong and we started to play.


Don't be a ghost reader.

W/❤ Marib3lle

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