Chapter Three

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I couldn't sleep that night and I got to Tatum's house an hour before she would typically leave for school. I walk in using my key to unlock her door.

I walk into her room and i can tell that she's just woke up. Sitting chriss-crossed in front of her mirror looking at her reflection dazed with eyes drooping.

She notices me in the reflection "hi ya Mitchie." she looks back, to herself, then back again to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I have to tell you something very important," I say slowly.

Her face fell clearly showing sadness. "oh no," she whines beginning to cry, "did Thunder really kill you yesterday and us hanging out was just my imagination rejecting the fact you are gone?"

"What? you need to stop watching so much tv. But no this is good news." I begin packing the clothes that Tatum would wear in the beginning of may in Phoenix.

"Oh!" she exasperates. "what are you doing?"



"Because we are going to Phoenix."

She looked confused but it quickly passes, "okay!" Then she begins packing up the make up at her side.

I stop what I was doing, "you seriously won't ask why when I say we're going four hours away?"

"I figure you just killed someone, and I'm okay with being your hostage."

"Tate! what is your problem. I will not die OR kill anyone!"

She looks disappointed. "Oh... then why"

"Finally a reasonable question! We.."


"Are going to see.."


"In Phoenix... Tomorrow"



"WHAT!" She yells finally getting snapped awake.

I smile a huge smile that hurts my face.

She turns to face me. "Michelle Gabriella Clay if you are lying to me right now I. will. kill. you. seeing 5SOS is not something people joke about."

I don't say anything.


"It's for my birthday"

"Oh my God! Mitchie!"

"Hurry get packed! I want to leave ASAP."


I know that I'm awful with directions so I take the first three hour shift of driving on mainly two way highways so Tatum can get the last hour of driving and finding our hotel.

The entire time we rock out to our road trip playlist that has never really been played before. just accumulating songs since Tate and I were really young.


When we finally reached the hotel I was to excited to notice any details. But we remember to call our parents and check in saying we're safe.

"This is really happening!" I say chewing in the strawberries and whipped cream that we ordered from room service.

"I still can't believe it!" she states. "By tomorrow we will see 5SOS! and Luke!" She is a total Luke girl.

I sigh loudly and fall backwards on the bed. Imagining seeing the boys having them sing before me, my eyes start tearing up and I choke out. "thanks for being here Tate."


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