8. Exposed

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As we sat by each other in comfort. What went through my mind was ... Are we ever going to even talk about last night? Did he feel something with me? I felt something with him. Flashbacks go through my mind remembering that I drove him crazy. His eyes turned red due to the amount of emotions that we felt between him and I. I want to know what he was thinking. I just hope he's not playing with my feelings like most males nowadays.

I sigh softly hoping he didn't hear me. I shrug off his arm then stand up. I walk away from the living room and into my bedroom. I shake my head as I feel his eyes on me. I go into my bedroom closing the door. I take off my boot laying down. Thinking about last night on repeat as if a song were stuck in my head.

As I lie there I just look at the things in my room. Noticing how beautiful my room actually was and the weather made it better than ever. So it was lovely.

I wish I got a job. Yet, I can't do anything until my ankle is fully healed again. I stop thinking when I hear a soft knock at my door.

"Kathy," I hear Caleb say on the other side of the door. I don't respond causing him to knock a little louder, "Kathy, let me in." I don't say or do anything. I just continue to lay on my bed. Until I hear the door open seeing Caleb walk in his left hand on the door knob.

"What's wrong?" He asks me. Caleb Finn being genuine? That's odd. Just kidding ... U N L E S S ...

"Nothing, Caleb. I'm just exhausted. I hate being stuck in here cause of my ankle," I tell Caleb hoping he'd understand the feeling of being trapped. He would know, his mortal body died forever ago.

"You don't like my presence?" Caleb questioned transforming into a different type of wolf. He rubs up against my leg causing me to smile. I pet him hearing him whine. Then he transforms into a white and black cat. He hops up on my bed getting on my lap then lies down. He transforms again back into a normal being. His head on my lap. His body on my bed. I run my fingers through his hair. As he lays there with his eyes closed.

"So what else can you do?" I ask him waiting for him to tell me.

"I can put curses on people, I can shape shift into four or five different animals. I can disappear," He vanishes after he says that then shows up cling to my ceiling, "I can fly, hypnotize people, I can glow in the sun. I have superhuman speed."

"So you have almost all the powers of a Vampire?" I question him. He transforms into a cat then sits on my lap once again.

"I have most of them. There's the council and they're stronger than me and Yagi combine. Yet, since I created Yagi, if she comes after you or betrays our kind. She'd be banned or killed," he explains still in cat form. I was taken completely off guard. He can still talk in animal form!?

"What happens if she creates more vampires? Is that necessarily bad?" Caleb doesn't answer my question at first. He hops off my lap then transforms back into his normal self.

"Not fully ... It's up to the council. Yagi is powerful enough to put a "curse" on you," He tells me. I take a deep breath as I turn away from him.

"Can't Vampires read minds?" His eyes turn dark bloody Red to a green color. He then changes them back to his normal color.

"I can, Char can, Yagi can. Yet you're different. We can't read what your thinking or what's on your mind." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Diana is concerned about you. Also thinks I have a crush on you or something," he paused then chuckles at me, "She's a little too easy to read." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Robby is also hiding something from you... and he doesn't like me," He's telling me all of this but it's so difficult with my decisions on whether or not to believe him.


"Diana told me she'd be over for lunch," I tell Caleb after a period of time. He nods. We hear car doors and he rushes into my bedroom immediately.

"Maccas!" I exclaim as she enters through our front door. We go into the kitchen and eat. After a certain amount of time she gives me this weird look.

"So Katherine ... how'd you sleep last night?" Diana asks. I choke on my food. I start coughing like crazy until I calm down a bit.

"I slept well. Why?" I question her. Her facial expression shows she's amused and just shrugs.

"I was just wondering," she smirks at before taking a bite of her cheeseburger. I glare at her before eating some fries.

"I don't believe you," I tell her.

"Then explain the moaning coming from your bedroom and the hickeys on your neck," My eyes widen. I get up immediately rushing to the bathroom. I notice my neck is full of Love bites. I gasp trying not to let her know anything happened. I rush back into kitchen seeing Diana with her arms crossed against her chest with a smirk on her face.

"Don't worry. I won't tell," Diana says. I sigh as we sit back at the table and proceed to eat.

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