22. Cali is frightened

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"Is it possible for a Vampire to be pregnant?" I ask Caleb. He sighs helping me stand up. We both head into my bedroom. He cuddles with me as we lie on my bed I slowly fall asleep.

"Goodnight," I heard him mumble. Then it was black.



"Why did you panic like that?" I asked Cali instantly curiosity raging within me.

"Caleb, you don't want to know... This is something I honestly can't control," Cali explains rushing around not wanting to talk to me.

"I want to know if my girlfriend is pregnant or not. You should know!"

"Caleb, you don't realize how powerful Katherine and that fetus is," My eyes widen and I feel my face go pale.

"She's..." Cali nods.

"If Yagi comes back. I hate to say it but your girlfriend would be the one to destroy her. I have a huge feeling Yagi will come back with an Army," Cali explains. Katherine having to fight Yagi causes her to go week.

"Katherine was bit by Robby. Robby was created by Yagi and Yagi-"

"Was created by you. I hate to say it but she has your and Yagi's powers. She's considered too powerful. There's nothing any of us could do. I'll give you a card to have her see somebody about it. That's all I can do." I sigh then press my lips into a thin line. I thought she could help ... she's been here the longest. Yet, she's the one afraid.

"Trust me, Katherine could die again. Her body isn't fully mortal..."

"Alright." I grab the card from Cali's hand before she vanishes into thin air.


So, either this is the end or they're will be one last chapter. If I don't make another chapter I hope you liked the book. I might take it down and delete it though ... But, it depends ... comment what you think ... 😔💔

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