18. Testing her Strength

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A week and a half later.


"So, today is the day we test Katherine's strength. Has she even had human blood besides saving Diana?" Char asked me. I shrugged not knowing if she had or not.

"I think she uses Diana has a human substance to feed off of." I tell him as we wait patiently for Katherine to show up.

"That's not healthy. She can get hooked on it though." I nod in agreement with what Char had to say about this.

"I brought the table. But I have a huge feeling she might kick my ass with arm wrestling," Green states making us all laugh. A girl, kicking his ass? Sounds hilarious right now.

"Where is Katherine?" I kneel down as I touch the ground then put it up to my fingers. I use my super speed to find her since I picked up on her scent.

I found her eating a deer and I cringe at the sight. Katherine turns around with blood on her lips and teeth. I sigh as I go into her house to get a washcloth. I come back out and clean her face a bit.

"I've been craving more animal food than humans lately," Katherine tells me. I nod, as I go back inside to wring out the towel so it's only damp. I wipe my hands a dry towel then head outside to see Katherine sitting down.

"I feel tired."

"It's testing day," Katherine nods as I help her up and we head to where Char and Green were.

"Hey Katherine," Char said. Kathy waved as she sighed sitting on the ground again. She does look awfully tired.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Tea." That wasn't a normal response. I kneel so she and I are facing each other.

"Are you just eating too much?" She shrugs as she stands back up. Her eyes turning a crimson red color. I do as well.

"So, you're going to fight me. Arm wrestling with Green, Char will help with the speed, climbing jumping. We will also see if you can transform. By the looks of it, you can deal with sunlight." I nod as Char and Green back up more.

"Ready?" I ask her. She nods. She runs towards me instantly goes to punch me, I block as I shove her to the ground. She gets up circling around me until I'm surrounded my dirt. I cough like crazy until it vanishes. I see Katherine nowhere to be found. When I feel a bird attacking me. I try to stop it but almost kill it.

"Caleb, she can control animals," Char says. I nod as I transform into a wolf like dog. Growling at Katherine when she appears into thin air.

"She can camouflage." I think Katherine is probably more powerful than I thought.
I transform back into a human when I rush after her, trying to punch her. She blocks, twists my arm completely flipping me over her shoulder. I groan because that took me extremely off guard.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed afterwards.

"That was smooth. I think we're good with that," I say after groaning in pain. She helps me up and the first thing I want to do is sit back on the ground.


"Don't worry. I won't go to harsh on you," Green said. We use our right arms, resting our elbows on the table. Our left arm behind our backs. Oddly he tries taking me down but when I use all my strength to take him down. He starts panicking, when our hand breaks the table. What even is this.

"Okay. So, think of animal. Focus on that animal and try to transform into it." I think of transforming into a pure white fluffy cat. I close my eyes then open them to be small. I look at my hands to see white paws. I transform back into a human luckily I still have my clothes on.

"Beginners luck. Now try focusing on a animal that can fly," I think of a white owl then I open my eyes to see myself in a bird form. I hear the other birds and the bugs. I transform back into my normal self again.

"One more time. Transform into a dog, it can be any kind," I nod. I focus on a German Shepherd when I open my eyes I'm still my human self.

"You can only transform into two animals. I'm assuming you're Caleb's other half because Caleb transform into black and grey." Caleb transforms into a cat, then a bat, then a black wolf with grey strips around the ears.

"I think that's enjoy practice for today," Green said. Looking at the boys to see if they agree. They nod urgently.

"Katherine, you can head back. We're going to see the council." He kisses my cheek then leaves with the other two. I decide to head back home and sleep.

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