Phase 2

13 0 0

August 17th

Start of the Mission

KTA was able to work their way into NCT's database to add me under the name of Park Jae-Hwa as Mark's new secretary. You could say his last secretary "resigned."

I stood in front of the tall glass building wearing a tight black dress to show my curves with black heels. My black hair was straightened and flowing on my blazer. I was pretty uncomfortable, but you have to do whatever it takes to seduce THE Mark Lee, I guess. I took a deep breath and walked into the building. The interior was very luxurious as the light from the windows illuminated the building.

I went up to the front desk and told them that I was Mr. Lee's new secretary. The lady gave me a questioning look, but then went back to typing. Hoping that KTA hacked the right database, I felt a drop of sweat fall on my face. Before the lady looked up, I quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Ah Yes, Ms. Park Jae-hwa. You can take the elevator to the very top floor, and there will be a double door, which will lead you into Mr. Lee's office." The lady said to me as I nodded and walked towards the elevator.

Once I got in the elevator, I saw a man quickly running in as well. Panic was seen in his eyes. He was holding a file and couldn't keep still. Something crucial must have been on his mind since he didn't notice me. The awkward elevator ride ended once we made it to the top floor. The man quickly ran and pushed the doors open. I slowly opened the door as I heard the man talk.

"THERE WAS A HACK IN OUR SYSTEM." Once the man said that, my legs started to shake.

"THE GUYS ARE STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO AND WHAT THEY HAVE DONE." I didn't even start the mission yet, and I have already failed, or KTA has. The guy continued to talk.

"THE PEOPLE WHO HACKED THE SYSTEM ARE TOO GOOD. NOT EVEN A TRACE WAS LEFT, BUT WE WILL WORK HARD TO FIND OUT." I sighed in relief and smirked. However, my sigh must have been loud enough for both men to turn towards my direction. Shit. I guess we have officially started the game. This was going to be one hell of a ride.

"Hello, Mr. Lee. I'm your new secretary Park Jae-Hwa." I fully stepped into his office. Mr. Lee stood up and looked me up and down. He then turned his attention back on the panicked guy.

"Thank you Doyoung for letting me know. Continue to find the hacker or hackers and keep me updated. You may leave." Doyoung bowed as he gave me a look of surprise on his face before he rushed out the door. Now it was just Mr. Lee and I.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop on a conversation Ms. Park, right?" He said as he began walking towards me.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll knock next time." I bowed to him.

"Good, I like people who can follow orders." He said, coming face to me, staring me straight in the eyes. I quickly looked away hoping for this awkward moment to end. Unfortunately, it got worse.

"I see the fear in your eyes...Ms. Park." He grabbed my chin. "I'm not a scary guy, unless you get on my bad side." He then walked back to his seat. Was I intimidated? Not really. Did he like that I was "intimidated"? Of course he did.

"You do know what we do here right?" He asked, leaving me panicked. I tried to recall the profile to see if there was anything about his "business." There was nothing. I felt Mark's stare on me. Before he could speak, I said the first thing in my mind about what his business could be.

"Yes sir. I understand that this business you are operating takes on challenges that no other businesses can compare to. You uphold a strict work value where discipline and loyalty is necessary in order to stay in the business." I hoped my bluff was good enough to at least persuade him that I know what this business was. I saw a smirk grow on his face as a chuckle left his mouth. He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"You do know you're now working for a mafia Ms. Park." So his "business" wasn't even a cover up, it was straightforward. I made up bullshit for no reason.

"This is a business that many people can't handle. I'm guessing that's why my last secretary resigned. Surprising, she was one of my best." He went back to looking at the paperwork on his desk. "Unusual, she would just leave like that. I hope you can prove to me that you can handle this business Ms. Park." He said not looking up from his desk. I nodded at his statement. "Yes sir."

Maybe this mission might not be as hard as I thought. I was already in his mafia now. However, this was only the beginning. I still have to seduce Mark Lee. I still have to get information out of this guy's mouth.

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