Phase 17

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"And're in love with me." Once I said that, he took a step back creating some distance.

"Me? In love with you?" Mark scoffed. If there's one thing I know, mafias don't like to be embarrassed. It's common sense. He got too conceited with this game.

"Then explain the photo of us on your phone." His face completely dropped.

"You remember everything?" He said with a hint of hope in his voice.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything. KTA explained our relationship in the past." I explained to Mark everything KTA had told me from when he had left me in the hospital until I had to make a choice between KTA and NCT. I thought he would have a big smile that I chose him over KTA, but he seemed disappointed.

"You really chose us?" He questioned.

"KTA is the reason we were separated. If KTA didn't lie, I probably would have gained my memory back, but they fabricated my mind into something it's not supposed to be." He looked down. "Don't be sad that I don't remember anything. We can alwa-"

"I'm not sad that you don't remember, I'm just a little upset since we had really good memories. But beside that, you had the opportunity to be free and do good at KTA. Why would you choose to come back to the place you wanted to escape?" He replied.

"I'm not the same girl you remember, Mark. I'm sorry. Plus, KTA isn't any better than you. They lied and used me for their own satisfaction." Mark chuckled at my response in which I returned with a confused look.

"KTA really let you off that easily. I don't believe it one bit." He was right. Although KTA told me they weren't going to hurt me, it's obvious it was a lie. That's all they do, but I'm going to show them that I'm not a little girl they can control.

"I can't believe it either. That's why I was wondering if you could help me get revenge." A smirk grew on both of our faces.

"And what do you propose Y/N?" I had this all planned since I had cleaned Mark's wound.

"KTA already has the information of your plan on December 19th. Also I'm sorry for giving them confidential information. However, I know KTA is going to continue their plans so we just have to change our plan. NCT wins and KTA gets screwed over." Mark nodded his head satisfied.

"Also, how are we going to tell the rest of NCT about this?" I question, but Mark already had an answer.

"They know." My eyes widened in shock. Mark chuckled at my confused state.

"They have been listening in Y/N. We didn't know what you were going to do so we hid microphones and cameras before you got home." They really have everything planned out. I chuckled and since I knew everyone was listening, I could embarrass Mark.

"You know, I wouldn't have been in KTA if it weren't for your lack of brain cells." Mark grew confused, but his cheeks were growing red. "When I was "dead," did you not see or hear my light breathing?" Mark's cheeks were cherry red and he scratched the back of his head with a slight chuckle.

"I was too in the moment when I was saying goodbye. It's hard you know?" He said as his head held low, feeling guilt that he was stupid to notice.

"Hey, but we eventually found each other again. I may not remember, but I want to try, step by step." Mark slowly lifted his head as both of our eyes connected.

"Don't you think it would be awkward?" He responded lightly.

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward. Plus, if I'm going to be with you, I have to get used to your presence." I chuckled at his silly question. "Also, I have one request." I saw Mark nodded, signaling me to continue.

"Can I see my parents along with Taeyong? I may not remember anything, but they're my blood family." I requested. A small smile was shown on his face.

"Anything for you prin- I mean Y/N. Sorry." He chuckled nervously. I chuckled at his response.

"I guess there is no more Park Jae-hwa." I turned to face Mark.

"That name never suited you anyway."

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