Phase 15

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Mark's POV

"Mark let me help you!" I heard Taeyong shout at me as I held my bleeding wound.

"I don't need your help. Those little shits lied. We agreed on no firearms to make the deal and what do they do...SHOOT ME IN THE SHOULDER." I chuckled. "Jokes on them. Now they don't get their money or weapons." I stumble up towards the door.

"Mark, stop being so stubborn. You're losing too much blood." Taeyong tried to support my body like I was in a drunken state.

"I'm not stubborn and I'm perfectly fine." I pushed Taeyong back as I tried to open the door. Once I got the door open, the blood loss started to affect me as everything was spinning around me. Before I knew it, everything became black, but I could hear the distinct voices calling my name. One was clearly Taeyong and the other was Y/N.


I took off my blazer and put pressure on Mark's wound as I saw Taeyong come up to me.

"Bring Mark to the couch and where's the first aid kit?" Taeyong picked up Mark as he pointed towards the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen searching for a first aid kit until Taeyong shouted that it was in the cabinet next to the fridge. I grab the kit and rush back to the living room where Mark and Taeyong were.

When I was training at KTA, Jackson taught me all the medical necessities and procedures for a situation like this. I located the wound on his shoulder and ripped his shirt. I apply more pressure as I grab the alcohol to clean his wound. Once the bleeding starts to slow down, I clean the wound. I grabbed tweezers and cleaned it with alcohol. I locate the bullet and slowly remove it without causing more severe bleeding. Luckily the bullet was not too deep so it made this job easier. I cleaned his wound more and stitched his wound. I was glad that he was passed out or else this process would be more difficult. I wrapped it up his shoulder and went to put the first aid kit back before Taeyong spoke up.

"How did you learn how to do that?" I signed not knowing how to reply. After finding out that he was my brother, things were different.

"I took a medical course a couple years ago. Just bring him back to his room so he can rest." I walked away from the situation.


After what happened last night, Taeyong told me to stay home and take care of Mark. I headed downstairs where I was met with quietness. I decided that I could relax for today since Mark would probably sleep through the whole day. That was soon ruined until I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. I saw Mark struggling to tie his tie with his injury while his blazer was hanging off one shoulder.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up!" He shouted at me heading for the door. Before he could reach the door, I blocked him trying my best not to inflict pain on his already injured shoulder.

"You should be in bed that's why." I turned him around. "You're not in the right condition to work right now."

"I have a lot of work to do since those idiots decided to mess up ou-"

"Taeyong and the rest of the members can handle it, but YOU need to rest." I cut him because I didn't want to listen to his complaining. It took a couple tries to convince him, but he finally gave up and went back to his room. I decided to cook him some pancakes since he needed the energy, I mean who doesn't like pancakes.

I finally reached his room and gave a knock. I waited for a signal before I walked in and I heard his voice telling me to come in. I entered his room and was surprised by the design. I thought it would be very modernized with a black, grey, and white color scheme, but it was very simple.

"What do you want?" He asked as he was trying to get comfortable in his bed.

"I came to bring you pancakes and your medication." I placed the pancakes down on the side along with his pain medication and a glass of water.

"You're my secretary, not my babysitter." He replied trying to pull the blanket up to cover him. I grabbed the blanket and adjusted it over his body.

"You have no one else to take care of you and since I'm here anyway, I might as well fill that spot." I heard him chuckle at my response. "I'm not going to pay you extra, you know?"

"I'm not doing this for the money. I'm doing this because I'm a nice person." I laughed. "Now eat up before the pancake gets cold." I handed him a tray of pancakes decorated with fruits, whip cream, and maple syrup.

"How did you know I like pancakes?" He said as he grabbed the fork and knife.

"I mean who doesn't. Every mafia leader likes pancakes." I chuckled. "Don't forget to take your medication." I said before leaving him in peace to enjoy his pancakes.

Mark's POV

Something about Jae-hwa seemed different today. She seemed happier? I was going to eat the pancakes when I got a call. I sighed and saw that Taeyong was calling me.

"What is it?" I replied annoyingly.

"Yuta told me he saw Jae-hwa at KTA." Taeyong stated. I sat up on my bed quickly as I groaned forgetting the injury on my shoulder. Before I could reply, Jae-hwa had rushed into my room.

"Are you okay Mr. Lee? I heard a noise?" I lightly grabbed my shoulder to try and subside the pain. I nodded my head indicating that I was fine.

"I just forgot I had an injury." I replied.

"Next time be more aware sir." She said as she left my room. I grabbed my phone and replied to Taeyong.

"Does Yuta have any proof?" I asked. I needed evidence to confirm that Jae-hwa was at KTA.

"I sent it to you." I thanked him and hung up. I looked at the photos he had sent. There were photos of her getting into a car with a random guy and photos of her walking into the KTA establishment. Huh, so she's the mole that hacked into our system. I chuckled at myself.

"So you want to play it that way...Lee Y/N."

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