Phase 10

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I was in the office figuring out Mark's schedule while he was at a meeting. The thought of what Taeyong said to me still lingered my mind along with the ring I found in Mark's home office.

As I was typing, I heard the door creak open. I expected it to be Mark so I didn't bother to look up. It wasn't until I heard heels clicking along the floor. I shoot my head up and notice a lady. She was fairly short, maybe about 5'1" wearing a navy blue jumpsuit and her brown hair was slicked back into a low ponytail. As she walked in, she completely ignored my presence.

"Excuse me ma'am, but Mr. Lee is not here. He's currently in a meeting." I tried to sound as polite as I could. By her looks, she must have had some importance to Mark.

"I am not blind." She blurted out. "Who are you? Are you one of Mark's sluts." She said as her attention was now on me. She did not just call me a slut. I really wanted to punch her in the face, but she would have landed in the hospital if my fist met her face.

"Excuse me," I said offended. "I am Park Jae-hwa, Mr. Lee's secretary." She gave me a scoff and sat on the black leather couch in his office. She didn't even apologize. I rolled my eyes and went back to work. The atmosphere of the room was very uncomfortable. It has only been five minutes and she was just sitting there on her phone. 

Soon enough, I heard the doors opening as I saw Mark walk into his office. I noticed that this lady started walking towards Mark.

"Mark. It's been a while." I saw how Mark just shrugged off the lady and went to his desk. 

"What are you doing here Wendy?" When I thought it was awkward before, it got even more awkward. I could feel the tension grow between them.

"Just arrived back from Canada. It's been what...nine, ten years?" She pondered on the years. 

"It's been 13 years. What do you want?" Mark stated. The older girl rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Mom and dad are hosting a party tonight and they want you to come." Wendy said without any emotions. Both siblings shared a cold personality and had similar physical features.

"Why so suddenly?" He chuckled, looking at the brown hair girl.

"Why should I care." She chuckled. "Just show up and dad won't kill you. I'll send you the details." She walked out and Mark looked in my direction.

"Cancel any plans I have tonight. Also you are coming with me to that party." I nodded knowing I couldn't refuse. This could also be a good opportunity for me to get more information on him plus his family. I texted KTA about this party his parents are hosting. They sent me profiles on each member of his family.

His dad retired from the mafia business, which is why Mark is now the leader. His mother and father were in an arranged marriage and Wendy was actually his half sister. Same mother, different father. Wendy was older than Mark and they weren't as close. Turns out that Wendy studied abroad for international business, so they didn't grow up together. That would explain the tension earlier.

After Mark finished his last meeting, we went back to his place to get ready for tonight.


7 PM

We arrived at a huge mansion, which I'm guessing is his parents house. Once we entered, the chattering of people filled the creme colored room. The place was filled with a crowd of elegant looking people. I felt very underdressed. Mark had bought me a black cocktail dress for the party, but a bunch of people were wearing long gowns. Then again, most of these people were way older than me. As I was admiring the interior of the house, an older woman came up to us as she gave Mark a hug. I'm guessing it was his mother. She broke the hug ignoring my presence.

"My son, how have you been." The lady looked very happy to see Mark. It was as if she hadn't seen her son in ages.

"Mother, I'm doing well. I have just been busy and couldn't visit you. I'm sorry. I missed you and you look beautiful tonight. " He had a big smile plastered on his face. He sounded like a mama's boy. It was like his personality did a 180 flip. The two started to converse until she finally acknowledged my presence. I gave her a small smile and bowed.

"Oh...Mark who is this?" Confusion was shown on her face.

"Mother, meet Park Jae-hwa, my secretary." Mark simply said. She leaned in towards Mark's ear and whispered, but it was loud enough for me to hear even with the loud chattering going on around us.

"She looks exactly like Y/N, Mark. You know Taeyong's parents are here, right?" He simply smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes I do mother. Don't worry." I saw his mother give an unreadable expression as she took a breath. The lady turned back to me and gave me a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Jae-hwa. Well I have to go greet others. Excuse me." She walked away. Mark turned towards me as he grabbed my arm.

"Stay close to me." He whispered as we started walking deep in the crowd. This was going to be a long night.


We have been here for almost two hours and I have just been sitting at a table while Mark was talking to other people. Sipping on my drink, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Taeyong with a drink in his hand.

"Seems like you're bored." He chuckled. He acted like last night didn't happen.

"You want me to leave this party too?" I replied back as sarcasm was heard in my voice. He chuckled as he took a seat next to me.

"Well, it looks like you're willing to leave this party." He was right. I was not a party person so I didn't know how to act.

"Look, can we just forget about yesterday. I guess I wasn't in the right mind space." I nodded as I didn't want any drama to interrupt my mission. We started talking as if it was natural despite what happened last night.

Mark's POV

For the past two hours, my parents were introducing me to a bunch of their friends. Well more like their daughters. I knew my father was trying to marry me to one of these girls so that the Lee business could grow. Unfortunately, I was uninterested as all I could think about was leaving Jae-hwa alone. I knew it wasn't a smart move, but ignoring my father would have been worse. 

I looked over at her and saw her talking with Taeyong. I sighed in relief as she had someone watching her. My father was going to introduce me to another family till I saw two people walking towards Taeyong. I realized it was his parents and I knew if they saw Jae-hwa, they would freak out. I kept my eyes on them hoping that Jae-hwa would at least recognize her own parents.

"Mark, meet Mr. and Mrs. Jung." My father said making me take my focus off Taeyong's parents. I bowed to them as I heard a loud gasp. Everyone's head turned towards the sound as all their focus was now on Taeyong's mother.

"Is that...Y/N?" I heard my dad whisper under his breath.

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