Phase 18

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Mr. Choi's POV

I was doing some paperwork until one of my men bursted through the door.
"What is so important you couldn't knock." I responded, still keeping my focus on my work. The guy spoke after calming his heavy breathing.

"Y/N...She told NCT." A smirk grew on my face as I let a chuckle escape my mouth. The guy looked confused at my changed facial expression.

"Ah, so she chose NCT." I stood up heading towards the door. I passed the guy with a concerned face. "Tell every agent that I'm canceling mission 127 and that there's a new mission on hand. Call Jackson. Tell him to meet me in room 1117. We have some important matters to discuss."

Things were only getting started.


In front of me was a stunning mansion, probably bigger than Mark's place. The place was surrounded by guards in the same black uniforms placed in specific spots on the open field. I took a breath before walking towards the door. In my peripheral view, Mark was giving the guards a signal as they started to move out of our way. The giant double doors were just a couple feet away from me. My hands were shaking and the anxiety of meeting my actual parents started to rise. The fact that I wanted to run away from them, well this "business", led me to this exact moment of facing them again after that night. After five years of leaving them with the pain of losing a child.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Mark spoke as he saw my stiff figure. I gave him a little nod as my mind was overthinking.

"Are you ready?" I took in a deep breath and turned towards Mark.

"I hurt them, didn't I?" Mark's eyes softened as he heard regret in my voice. His hands slowly reached out grabbing mines.

"It wasn't your fault. KTA is to blame for manipulation. It's what they are good at." He formed a smile and I gave him a small smile back.

"So are you ready?" I nodded as he removed his hand to ring the doorbell.

My heart started to race once the door slowly opened. Standing in front of us were the same couple I saw at the party. The same couple who asked me if I remembered them. The same couple who are my parents.

"M-mom? Dad?" I didn't realize tears building up in my eyes. I always saw Mr. Choi as a parent figure, but these were my bloodline. I don't know what came over me but I ran towards the couple and embraced them in my arms. I could feel how shocked they were at first, but they soon melted in my embrace.

After the little reunion, they welcomed Mark and I into the stunning mansion. I explained my situation with KTA and what happened after that night. The anxiety I felt before I walked into this place slowly disappeared as I was finally reassured. After catching up with each other, Mark and I decided to head home.

There was a comfortable silence in the car as Mark was focused on the road and I was staring out the window. I turned towards Mark and focused on his features. I can't believe I was in love with this man, but I'm not complaining.

"Thank you for taking me to see my parents." I shly said, playing with my fingers. I heard a chuckle leave Mark's mouth.

"You don't have to thank me Y/N. I would do anything for you." I chuckled at his response.

"That's a little dramatic don't you think?" I heard a sigh escape his mouth as he slowed his car down, approaching a red light. He turned his face towards mine as our eyes met.

"The night you got shot, I made a promise to make you happy. But once you were no longer in my life, I felt like I let you down. I mean how can you make a dead girl happy?" A chuckle escaped his mouth as he continued to drive. "But now that you're back in my life again, I want to continue my promise of making you happy. I also want to add on to that promise. I promise to protect you from anyone and anything. I know it may sound dramatic to you, but you're everything and I can't afford to lose you again."

"But what if I leave you again?" I questioned him feeling insecure about the fact that I made him feel guilty for the past five years.

"That won't happen." He chuckled.

"But, hypothetically, what if something does happen and I'm out of your life again." My voice fading out towards the end of my question.

"Well, what do you want." I looked up at him, surprised by his response. This was a question I had to think hard about. What did I want? Many thoughts were running through my mind and I needed more time to think.

"What would you do?" Answering his question with a question to give me more time to think.

"Simple. I'm just going to do what I did the past 5 years...sulk." I turned my head at his profile. Was he being serious? I thought he would give me an idea of how I should answer his question.

"Sulk? That's what you're going to do?" He chuckled at my response.

"Why not? I mean I did it for 5 years and now you're here in front of me. If you want some deep answer, I can't give you one for sure. All I'm saying is that I'm never giving up on you no matter what?" Listening to his response, an answer came to me of what I wanted. He really cared about me and I had to think about his well-being. I couldn't let him sulk over me.

"You never answered my question." I took a breath before I spoke.

"You want me to be happy, but I want you to be happy. If something does happen, find someone who makes you happy. I don't want you to ruin your life because of me. It's a dangerous world and we have to accept that we will eventually lose each other, but we have to move on eventually. I'm surprised that you didn't move on after I was gone." I chuckled.

"Well you were the only one who could make me happy. How could I move on? Plus, you don't have to worry about me moving on because I'll make sure that nothing goes wrong like that night." he grabbed my hand and I gave a smile. I felt safe with him. I was content.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. I grabbed my phone and saw that Jackson was calling me.


I forgot about Jackson.

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